Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!  I am kind of sad to be writing my last blog of the year!  I can't believe it is here. I know it seems like this online learning has been going on for an eternity but I just can't get rid of this feeling of unfinished business.  This year will always feel so incomplete.  I knew this class would be memorable, but not in this way!  My heart aches for all the time we have missed.  I really enjoyed every minute I had with your children in the classroom.  It is so sad when I go to my room.  It is still like March 16 in the room.  I am not looking forward to going in and cleaning up the room for the year.  

Language Arts - We are ending the year doing some writing.  The first day this week they were just to write about fun things they like to do with their families.  I t didn't mean just in quarantine.  I just wanted to hear about things they really enjoy doing with their family.  Wednesday and Thursday they were to work on Opinion writing.  Friday they will also have another writing for me to do.  It is one for me.  They might consider it another opinion paper.  I will ask them to write about favorite things about 4th grade.  

Math -  The kids have done a great job learning math through all this.  They have covered quite a few standards that I really don't always get to.  Thank you for all the hard work. I know it has not been easy.  Today is the last math assignment.  I feel like this is a good stopping place.  On Friday, I want them to use their math time to do Social Studies.  I am just trying to help them be done!  I know they are ready and so are you.  

Social Studies -  I hope they have enjoyed some of the last few lessons.  I am a huge fan of the Rocky Mountains so learning about the West is always very interesting.  I tried to pick chapters that I felt gave them the most information.   They have 3 lessons today because I just could't cut it off at 2.  This is the main reason I am giving them Friday to work.  I hope they continue to sing their states and capitals song and work on locating their states.

Thursday, May 28th -  This is our drop-off and pick-up day.  Mrs. Simmons has sent you a sign-up genius to choose a time to bring things back to school and pick up their items from their desks and lockers.  I will have all of it packed up all ready.  Here are the things students need to return, followed by the link to sign up for a time.

  * Computer and cord
  *  Library books
  *  Charlie and Chocolate Factory Books
  *  Any book borrowed from my book shelf. My name or 
      St. Malachy School will appear in the front.

We have had a great year!  Your kids have come a long way from the beginning of 4th grade.  Be proud of what they have accomplished!  I am super proud of them for the work they did in the classroom to the work they have done online.  We still had a few behaviors to work on, but again they have come a long way from the beginning of 4th grade.  This class will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart.  

God Bless, 
Mrs. Sickels

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