Thursday, January 30, 2020

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!!  What a week this has been!  It is hard to believe that we have just one more day to celebrate.  I look forward to tomorrow. It is always a great day.  Please make sure your child comes in dress clothes for mass and bring snow gear to go outside for recess just in case we have time to go outside.  It has been a very good yet crazy week.  Thanks for choosing our school for your children.  

Language Arts -  It has been a long story since our week started last Thursday for it.  We will be taking a test over the story tomorrow and a spelling post test.  Please be sure they are studying their yellow vocab packets and spelling words tonight.  
Our story this week was called The Life and Times of the Ant.  It is a fun story.  This class actually enjoyed it.  On Monday we showed the kids 3-5 It's a Bug's Life.  The movie goes along with our story quite well.  Plus it is old enough, a lot of the kids had not seen it.  This week we worked on Participles and participle phrases.  Our vocabulary strategy was over suffixes -able, and -ible.  Again it has been stretched out but due to the kind of week we are having it had to be.  

Math-  We are ready to learn the standard algorithm in math for multiplication.  I need to have 2-3 days in a row to be sure we are getting this strategy. I can't start teaching it one day then skip a couple days and pick it up again.  That would not benefit the kids whatsoever.  We will begin this on Monday.  This week we have done a lot of practicing on basic facts.  The kids are working on two new programs we are being introduced to.  One is Moby Max which has every subject on it not just math and the other is Espark which is a math and reading program.  I really like them both.  The kids are showing interest and improvement with these. You can see by the certificates I post on Facebook.  I know I have Espark for the rest of the year for free so we are trying to take advantage of it to see what other improvements we will see in their work.  We came back from the YMCA today and these websites were what they worked on. Not sure if they were tired or what but it was silent.

Social Studies -  We have worked on getting some states in the interactive notebook this week.  We have also began working on some vocabulary words. This chapter instead of putting words in a blue packet, we will be putting them on notecards so that the kids are making their own flash cards.  We will begin digging into the first lesson tomorrow.  

Grandparents/ Special Guest Day - Students need to be dressed up for Mass tomorrow.  Their morning will be normal.  We will load up on the bus and be to the church around 1:00.  Please have the grandparents/Special Guest meet us at Holy Spirit Parish.  Mass will begin at 1:30.  There will be a cookie and punch reception in the basement following mass. Your student may go home after mass with the grandparent/Special Guest as long as you let me know.  You can email me to let me know.  If you  are at the mass, just make sure you see me in the basement to tell me you are taking your child.  Thank you.  

Thanks again for choosing to send your child to St. Malachy.  I am happy to be teaching each and everyone of them.  They all bring a little something different to the room, which makes this group unique.  I hope all of you have a great weekend!

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!!!  Well, Winter is definitely here!  Would you like some snow?  Hope so cause we have some and looks like we will be getting some more.  The kids were sure hoping for an early out yesterday.  I told them my prediction was, no we would not be getting out early.  They quickly forget we have to make those hours up.  I will be at school until 11 today due to taking Molly to Des Moines for a wisdom teeth consult.  I will see what I think about weather and I may have to cancel.  Molly may not like it because her mouth hurts but safety first.  Mrs. Bearden will be in the room from 11 on.  

Language Arts -  Well this week and next will be very crazy when it comes to language arts.  We finished last week's story on Tuesday of this week.  On Wednesday we took our "areading" portion of the FAST testing.  Today we are starting a new story, so it is like a Monday but on Thursday.  We will have a spelling pretest today and I will introduce the next story.  Since our stories are based on 5 days we will have the posttest and end of week test the following Friday a week later.  Since next week is Catholic Schools week we will have language arts on on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  So its a bit crazy.   Our language arts week will be Thursday, Friday, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  It will be very spread out.

Math - We have completed the first half of chapter 3.  The kids worked on their Mid Chapter Check Point.  We will get that checked and then begin learning the standard algorithm of double-digit multiplication.  That is the strategy that we all learned when we were young.  They will struggle with this in the beginning but it will grow on them.  We will end up spending 3-4 days on this strategy. I try very hard to make sure all students have mastered this lesson before I move on.  I apologize for all the struggles you will have at home.  Remember they can always come in before school for extra help.  I am in my room by 7:50 ready to help.  

Social Studies- We are finishing a chapter and the Northeast today.  We will begin the Southeast next week.  We will move a little faster through these chapters.  Your student may want to start studying their southeast map.  I will get them a practice map in the next couple of weeks.  Some of the students learned a valuable lesson of studying when it comes to these maps.  They learned that when you study you really can do well.  We will also begin putting the Southeast states into the interactive notebooks.  That will start tomorrow!  In this unit we are also going to do Vocabulary words differently.  I will have them make Flash cards.  They will put the word on one side and definition on the other side of a notecard that I will provide. We will keep this in their expanded File.  I will provide paper clips or rubber bands for them to keep them together.  This chapter will be a fun one to go through.  So much history in our south.  We will only skim the surface of many topics.

Spirit Day - Since we missed our Spirit Day last Friday we get a redo and get to do it this Friday.  Bring your dollars and wear those sweats.

Here is all the Catholic Schools Week Events:

Sunday January 26th Opening of Catholic Schools Week
Eucharistic Celebration 9am at Holy Spirit Church
Breakfast in Parish Hall following Mass provided by our PTO

Monday January 27th Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day
11:30-1pm Lunch for faculty and staff provided by PTO
Parent Volunteers please arrive by 11:15
SACK LUNCH (milk is provided) and eat with Angel
Spirit Week Dress: St. Malachy Spirit Day

Tuesday January 28th Student Appreciation Day  - Talent Show
10am show & 1pm show - we will post a schedule of performances Spirit Week Dress: PJ Day

Wednesday January 29th Community Appreciation Day  
Chamber of Commerce Coffee 9am in gym 
1st Grade Presentations 
8th Grade Presentations  
Angels -Make Valentine cards for Servicemen and women 
Spirit Week Dress: Era Day - dress from any time period

Thursday January 30th School Appreciation Day  - YMCA Day - detailed schedule to come
Students will need swim suits 
LUNCH - SACK LUNCH milk not provided
Spirit Week Dress:  Workout Day (sweats)

Friday January 31st Grandparents/Special Guest Day 
Mass begins at 1:30 pm at Holy Spirit Parish 
Cookie and Punch Reception following Mass 
Students will dismiss from Holy Spirit
Spirit Day Dress: Dress Up Day

I am looking forward to next week. It is my favorite time of year. We have a lot of fun things planned for the kids to celebrate being in a Catholic School. We begin the week at Mass on Sunday and end the week with Grandparents/Special Guest Mass on Friday in the church. If any questions about any of the dress up days please email me, call or text. I will be happy to help. I love to see everyone participate on those days.

I hope that all of you enjoy your weekend!! We are prom dress shopping on Saturday. My last kid's first prom. To her older sisters this is a big deal! I am just going to sit back and relax and enjoy the show and watch my three girls do their thing. i hope we come find one she wants.

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Dear Parents,
    Happy Thursday!  Well, our weather certainly has changed and threw us into winter. I guess we can not complain, I mean it is winter.  We have been kind of lucky so far.  We will have to see what tomorrow brings.  I am really not confident in any weather forecaster these days.  Be sure to send your child with proper winter gear.  We are scheduled to go to the Food Pantry tomorrow.  We will still go if it is snowing but no if it is raining.  We will go if wind chill temp is about 0 degrees F.  So hats and mittens are a necessity.

Language Arts -  This week (kind of ironic) we are reading a story about Antarctica.  The story is a journal written by the author about her personal experience staying in Antarctica for four months.  The short story was a factual piece about Antarctica.  We learned that it is the driest, coldest, windiest place on earth.  It can be -94 degrees there.  We talked about last year when we did not have school when it was to be -30/-40 wind chill.  The kids were amazed.  This was an interesting story about a place we don't learn much about.  We have worked on modal auxiliaries in grammar.  These are words like may, can, should, would, could, must, and might.  They learn the real reason why want them to say "May I use the restroom and not  can I".  They laugh and think it is funny but everyone has been very good as using "May" this week.  We talked about more Latin and Greek word parts for our vocabulary strategy.  This week we learned -spect, -struct, -tele, and vis.  Please be sure they are studying their yellow vocab packet tonight along with their spelling words.  

Math - This week we learned the Area Model strategy of multiplication then moved right into partial product.  They really are the same strategy.  The difference is the area model has a picture to with it and the other does not.  I really like the area box because it is a picture.  Some struggle grasping that idea at first but once you get it, it is great.  There are also students who were seeing this same strategy in their Dreambox work.  Now they know more about what they are doing.  We will finish the week with the partial product strategy.  Honestly, I have been teaching this strategy for 16-17 years.  This is nothing new.  I took a class really found this strategy helpful.  I  knew if I would have learned this process I would have been a better math student so I adopted it long ago. Some might call it common core but it is not new.

You will find the a copy of the score sheet for chapter 2 test.  I had 2 who needed to finish it up so that's why it took me a while.  The highlighted standards are ones I report on.  The two standards are the standards found on the report card, and what I would give your student.  The single one by itself is a standard we covered but it is not on the report card.  I still gave let you know how your child is doing.

Social Studies - We are working on finishing up the last chapter on the Northeast Region.  I have moved them pretty quickly through the last couple of lessons.  This is the pace we will begin keeping the rest of the year.  We will begin putting Southeast States into our notebooks soon.  The last two lessons covered some pretty big topics  and only skimmed the surface. I told them that there is tons of information about these topics and we are only covering a little bit of each.  I also told them we will build on it next year.  I plan to start a study guide tomorrow with them to be checked on Tuesday and then the Test on Wednesday.  If by chance we are not hear tomorrow, then everything will bump a day.

Talent Show -  Some have asked the Talent Show will be held on Tuesday, January 28th.  The show will be divided up into two parts, this way we can include all of the preschool kids.  We will begin in the morning and go from 10-11 AM then we will begin again at 1:00 in the afternoon.  Your child will only perform at one time.  We will have a schedule set to hand out to you so you know which performance your child will be in.  We understand some of you are taking off work so we will try and supply you with information as soon as we can.

Spirit Day -  Tomorrow is a Spirit Day!  Since we are looking at going to Food Pantry it is perfect day for sweats and sweatshirt!!  Bring your dollars!!

Server Training-  This is the last weekend for server training or retraining.  They will be held Saturday night after Mass for 30 minutes, and Sunday 30 minutes before Mass.  I have had 2 students in my room attend. I know there are more catholic children out there. Please sign up as a service to our church.

Trivia Night -  Trivia night is Saturday night a Crestmoor.  We are sold out.  All tables are full.  If there is a change due to weather, the decision will be made Saturday afternoon and we will put it on Facebook, Twitter, email and text.

NO SCHOOL - We do not have school on Monday,  January 20th.  It is a teacher professional development day in Des Moines.  

I hope we all survive the snownado, snowmagedden, whatever your words are for it this weekend.  Stay warm and safe. 

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday and welcome back from Christmas break!  It was a very good break for all of us and I am happy to be back with the kids.  We will be working very hard over the next 2-3 weeks.  The goal is to keep the students moving and progressing.  We are halfway done with the year and I need to get cracking to get all the things I need to finish by the end of the year.  I know that might seem crazy but I begin thinking about the whole picture this time of year.  I will speed some subjects up and keep the pace on others.  We have Catholic Schools Week, Spring Break and  Iowa Assessments as our next big things in our calendar.  We have to work hard so we can enjoy CSW and Spring break but yet do well on our Iowa Assessments.   

Language Arts -  I feel like it has been forever since we have completed a normal week of language arts.  It wasn't too much of a struggle getting them back into the routine of it.  This week our story was called The Earth Dragon Awakes.  It is kind of a scary story.  It would tend to bring our a little anxiety in some.  A little bit of fear too.  It is about a father and son who are in their apartment building and earthquake happens and their apartment falls.  They are trapped in the rubble or buried alive.  Isn't that a fear for everyone? It talks about what they did during the earthquake and what they did after to be rescued. This story was Historical fiction because it was based on a real event, the earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco, California.  A lot of the description of the damage that was done, is real but the story of the father and son was fiction. Maybe it happened but they would have changed the names of the people.  The students worked on singular and plural possessive nouns in grammar.  Using apostrophes to show ownership in nouns.  We reviewed synonyms for the vocabulary strategy and we read a story about twisters.  This was our short story to go along with the main story.  We talked about similarities and differences between the two.  We talked about the technology used in both and how people make disaster plans for both.  It has been a good lesson this week. Be sure to have your student study their vocabulary packet and spelling words for tomorrow.

Math - We are moving along in Chapter 3!  We have completed 2 full lessons all ready.  We are using strategies to multiply by tens and estimating products.  They all informed me estimating was super easy.  They liked that lesson a lot.  A few have some corrections to make and I will meet with them to do that. We will be starting the next lesson today.  This lesson is on area models, which is my absolute favorite lesson.  Some of the students have all ready been using this strategy on Dreambox.  I will help it make complete sense today.  I like this strategy because of the visual it gives us.  We can see exactly what we are doing and how it comes together.  This is using or distributive property that we learned in chapter 2 and giving us problems that are easy for us to work.  If you are unsure of this strategy look at your child's book and see or ask them to show you.  Most 4th graders really do like this one.  It's a great strategy to have in their tool belt to use.

Social Studies -  We are going to be finishing up the Northeast states.  We have all of them in our interactive notebooks.  We will be taking our 2nd and final map test for this region.  If your child chooses not to study and does poorly, they are way behind.  They need to learn each region as we go so they can do all 50 states at the end of the year.  I will move into the Southeast region next.  We will attempt to move more quickly through these 2 chapters.  Getting map tests, map skills, and states in the notebook is a lot of work.  We may need to double things up.  They are in the 2nd half of the year they can handle it. I try hard to not give them too much and I definitely don't give them more than they can handle.  

Server training - We are in need of more servers for church and school.  These trainings are for Catholic children and will be held after mass this weekend and next. Please check the bulletin or the St. Malachy website for exact times.  We are really wanting the 4th graders who are Catholic to be sure they attend one of the trainings.  It is a service for the school and church and it is greatly appreciated.  Even if you child is a little timid.  Maybe being an altar server can help with that.  

Talent Show -  This year for Catholic Schools week we will be having a talent show.  We have not had one in about 3 years.  The kids are asked to share a talent they have, if they choose to.  They do NOT have to do anything, they can sit back and enjoy the show.  For those who are putting together talents, they will need to try out in front of the committee.  This is just to ensure the students actually have a routine or something practiced so they don't get up on stage and just stand there.  I all ready have had tears in my room from a student being left out.  She asked a group to join and was pretty much told no.  I talked to the kids that this was not how this was suppose to be and it is excluding students.  I do not like when we make people cry so I said maybe no one needs to participate if we are going to leave people out.  The situation has been solved.  I hope to not have anymore problems.  I am also trying to work on students not being mad and holding grudges.  They are too young to start this behavior.  I just wanted to make you aware and explain this is meant to be a fun event and to not cause problems with students. It takes the fun out of it when people are hurt.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I will be spending some of my weekend with some classmates from High School.  I am so looking forward to it.  It's super fun to be nostalgic sometimes!  Also be safe in our little snow storm.

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels