Thursday, May 20, 2021

Dear Parents,

    Happy Thursday!!  This will be my last blog for this school year!  I can't believe it is already here.  I will try to cover everything we need to know in here.  Please watch your email for any updates I may need to give you from now until the end of the year.  I am sure I will forget to tell you something!  My mind is always all over the place at the end.  Plus this year I am crazy with my youngest graduating High School.  So forgive me when I forget something.  I love my summers, but I hate the end of the year and saying good-bye.  

Language Arts -  We have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this week.  The kids are loving it.  Some are struggling to keep in separate from the movie.  I have been stressing how the book came first.  When they want to tell me the book is wrong because this happened in the movie, I have to remind them that no the movie is wrong because the book came first.  We are definitely comparing the book and the movie as we go along.  Plus, there are two movies to think about not just one.  We average about 3 chapters a day with a 4th being assigned to them to read on their own or in partners.  I have the story mapped out for us to finish on Wednesday the 26th.  I plan to have them watch the 1970's version of the movie on the last day in the morning.  If anyone would like to supply popcorn for our movie watching I would not be opposed to that, just contact me first.  I am not a huge fan of the newest version of this movie.  They say it is more like the book but I would disagree with that statement.  Tim Burton movies are all so "dark".  The 1970's movie is so happy and fun.  We are looking forward to watching it.  I hope I find it streaming somewhere otherwise we will have to watch it on the TV using a DVD/VCR tape.    The skills we are working on during this story are all review.  They are all things we have learned throughout the year like: nouns, verbs, adjectives, plural nouns, proper nouns, verb tenses and contractions.  They keep saying how easy things are and I keep reminding them it is because it is all review.  There favorite is when they are asked to draw.  They have drawn the chocolate factory and next they will have to draw Willy Wonka.  I hope they are talking about the book at home with you.

Math -  We have finished division this week.  The tests are complete.  On Friday, we are going to begin work in chapter 12 on Measurement.  We will explore units of length, units of weight, units of liquid and units of time.  That is one lesson a day until the end.  They will still have worksheets to do with these lessons.   I am sure they will not be happy because I am teaching and giving homework right up to the end.  This is a standard and benchmark that needs covered so we are doing what we are suppose to be doing.  This is getting in one more standard then normal.  YAY for us.

Social Studies - We are working very hard to finish things up in Social Studies.  The kids will take a map test on Friday over the Southwest which is only 4 states.  On Friday I will get them the map of the West so they can try to study it.  I hope to get one of those tests in like on Tuesday.  They will take the map test over all 50 states on Wednesday.  So please be sure they go back and study the regions we have already studied.  The test will have a map of the U.S. and each state is numbered.  They will look at number one and write down the state and capital.  They will do this for all 50.  The standard is that they can label all 50 states and capitals. So this is the "big" last test they will take for me.  Again please be sure you begin studying over the weekend.  We will also be reading about the climate and resources of the West before the end of the year.  I am also trying very hard to get in all the states in their interactive notebooks.  I have a bad feeling we are going to be short a few.  I will send the copies home with them so they can finish over the summer if they choose. But I also may hand them out and have them watch the "Charlie" movie and do states at the same time.  We will see how far we get.

Spirit Day - Tomorrow is our last Spirit Day of the year.  The kids can pay $1.00 to wear sweats or a hat!  It is our last one so everyone participate!

Wednesday Mat 26th -  We will have Mass at (:15 as usual this mass will be a little longer because we honor the 8th graders, the middle school who were in sports, and any teachers that will be leaving us.  When that is done Father will then be duck taped to the wall.  Most classes will watch this event online as can you.  If your student raised enough money to put duck tape on Father they will dismissed at the appropriate time to go to the gym and do their part.  

Please send an extra strong bag or even an extra bag with your kids for this day.  We will clean out our desks and take all the things home that belong to them.  They will not need anything on the last day but themselves and their lunch.  

Last Day -  May 27th is our last day of school!  We will begin the day with our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie.   We will watch part of it then take a quick break and then finish it.  If we still have time in the morning I may throw a quiz at them over the book.  It is just one page long and would be easy since we have read the book and watched the movie.   I will only do this if I need to fill in some time.  The students need to be sure and bring a sack lunch on the last day.  We will eat from 12:00 - 12:30 that day.  We will just eat as a class.  We may picnic lunch outside if the weather cooperates and things aren't too wet.  Field day will happen in the afternoon.  It will take place at 12:45 until they are done.  At 3:50 we will have the clap out for the 8th graders.  They will leave their room in the middle school and walk to the door at Mrs. Levine's room as the other classes line the halls and clap for them.  It is a cool tradition we started a while ago.  This will conclude our day and then I will send the kids home to you for the entire summer!!!   

I will be sending home take home folders Friday instead of Thursday due to my absence.

I have truly enjoyed having your child in my room this year, and I am very thankful that I still have the privilege of teaching them next year for 5th grade social studies.  This is a unique class for their size, and how much they like to talk.  I know there were times I had to be tough on them. I would do it again.  This class is so much like siblings because of their class size, but right now they are acting a lot like siblings.  All students get this way at the end of the year.  They are excited about summer coming and moving on to a new grade.  They all need the break summer gives them away from each other.  I hope they will get a chance to hang out over the summer.  I hope I bump into them at some point over the summer.  I will miss them!  I am happy we were face-to-face all school year.  We all made it through November when many of us had COVID.  We survived learning online, me teaching from home during my quarantine, and mask wearing.  I will admit it is wonderful to see their smiling faces everyday.  I wish you all the best over the summer! I hope you take a fabulous family trip somewhere.

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Dear Parents,

    Happy Thursday!   Only one more blog after today.  These last two weeks will be very busy ones.  We have many things I want to do, both fun and academic.  We have had a good year and your kids have learned to be good students.  They really improved on using their time wisely.  My plan is to work hard but enjoy each other the best we can over the following 10 school days.  Today is my last track meet ever! I am excited not sad.  Track season the last few years has had more cold days then nice ones.  I am at peace with it being over.  It is hard to believe though, that my baby is graduating this year.  Onward and upward!!

Language Arts - This week we took our last Unit test.  You will find in their folders the scores for week 24, 25 and the Unit test.  I was able to get all these scores finalized last night.  We will share book reports today!  The kids are very excited to share their work.  We have started Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and they are excited about that. We will also be doing an informational writing project in our last few days.  You will find their 3 main writing projects in their binders when we send them home, along with all the other assessments we have done all year.  During Charlie and Chocolate Factory we will be doing activities that require the students to apply knowledge that they have learned all year long.  Sometimes they don't really understand just how much they have learned until we do this unit.  Most of the things we do are review.  They will have homework but not a lot. I will be filling any no homework days with States for their notebooks. I want them to be sure all 50 states are in it by the end of the year.

Math - We are working on finishing up Division right now.  The kids are working on a Dress Rehearsal.  They will finish that today.  Tomorrow we will go over it and then Monday they will take the real test.  After that we will move into fractions.  I do not plan on taking another test this year we will just work through the lessons and show what we have learned on the worksheets.  We will also continue to work on Dreambox.

Social Studies - We will have one more Midwest Map Test on Monday and then I will start the kids on the Southwest States.  There are only 4 of them so they should be able to nail this one pretty quickly.  Then it is on to the West.  I will make sure they have maps and a map key so they can study.  Remember the last thing we do in Social Studies is take the big map test where they have to name all 50 states and capitals.  So keep working on it.  We have read two lessons on the Southwest so far. We will read a couple more then move into the West Region.

Thank you -  I just want to say Thank you for a couple things. One for anyone who gave me a gift last week for Teacher Appreciation Week, especially the PTO and School Board for all they did for us. Two, for the kids being so kind to me.  I had to put by 15 year old dog to sleep on Tuesday and the kids were very good to me.

Archery-  The students have had archery this week with the 5th graders in PE.  They really have enjoyed it.  Monday was more instruction then actually doing.  The kids need to learn for their safety.  Hopefully today it is more doing.  They are all excited about it for sure.

Spring Concert -  Just a reminder that the concert is Wednesday, May 26th at 6:00pm.  This is held in McKinley Park at the band shell.  The students need to wear Mass attire for the concert. Please bring lawn chairs or blankets to sit on.  The students are to sit with their families instead of with their class.  They will just head to the stage when it is their turn to sing.  The band will also be performing.  We are excited!  Finally they can perform for you live in person!

Last Day - Our last day has been changed to the 27th (YAY).  It will be a full day of school.  The morning will consist of preparing the room for the summer or watching a movie.  We plan to eat lunch outside like a picnic. It is a sack lunch day.  Field Day will be 12:45 - 2:30, you are welcome to come watch.  The 8th grade clap-out will take place at 2:50.  

Boy 10 school days seems so short!  It is coming quickly.  The kids think it is forever! I told them it will seem long to them but it will go quickly for me.  I always feel a little panicked at the end of the year.  So much I want to do with them before they leave me.  UGH!  I hate to think about them leaving me.  Each year I do that.  I just get them to the point where they know the routine, they  know what I expect, and they use their time wisely and they have to move on.  I have to start all over again next year with a new group.  This is honestly what makes my job interesting though.  New faces each year to mold into successful students!  Thank you for sharing your precious child with me!  I have taken good care of them and loved every moment.

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, May 6, 2021

 Dear Parents,

    Happy Thursday!  It is hard to believe I have 3 more blogs to write before we are done with the year.  As long as this year has seemed it also seems short now that we are near the end!  I can't say enough how grateful I am that we have been face-to-face all year.  We have accomplished so much!  Three more weeks or 15 more days!  

Language Arts - This is our last week in the textbook!  Last week for spelling tests and all the worksheets!  The kids are excited!  They think we are just done with language arts.  Next week we will take a Unit test and then do a writing project on informative writing.  The last two weeks we will read Charlie and Chocolate Factory.  This week we read a story called "The Fun They Had".  It is a science fiction story about school in the future. The year is 2157.  They school at home with a mechanical teacher.  The teacher is set to parameters that fit that kid.  So each student is learning at their own pace.  The kids find a real book and are amazed by it.  It is a book about school now.  They do some comparing.  It is very interesting.  It caused some good conversation.  The grammar for this week was reviewing sentences, writing book and movie titles using proper capitalization, and commas in compound sentences.  Lots of different content to review is mainly what we have done. The vocabulary strategy today is on Greek and Latin word parts: meter, therm, aud, and fac.  They learn what these parts mean and how they change the meaning of the word.  I think these are fun little facts to learn.    Last time to ask you to have your students study their spelling words and vocab packets for tomorrow!

Math -  We are practicing division like crazy.  This is definitely a strategy where "practice makes perfect" is true!   The only thing you can do is practice it and follow the steps.  I know this is the only strategy we learned and its the one we think is best but I disagree.  There is another strategy that helps the kids see better what they are doing.  I have a couple students who are struggling and want to go back to that strategy.  On the test I will allow them to use whatever strategy they choose to use.  We will be finishing up the chapter next week and testing.  This will be our last math test of the year.  We will still do lessons and worksheets but I will not have them test. I am trying to decide which route I want to go.  I am thinking it will be fractions.  But I love to teach geometry.  

Social Studies - We are now reading the lessons and doing worksheets but will move quickly and not take another test.  We are almost done with the Midwest already.  We will do the Southwest and then the West. We will still have map tests in there because we have to take the "big" one at the end of the year.  We will also try working on getting our states in our notebooks.  We have a lot to do in this subject and little time to do it unless I require them to do a little bit more work.  They would not be happy with me about that. Once the book  report is turned in I just might though.

Spirit Day - Tomorrow is a spirit day! You may pay $1.00 to wear a hat or sweats!  The weather is perfect for sweats!

PE -  Next week our PE time changes.  We are getting to do a special activity.  The activity is archery.  We will be doing this with the 5th graders from 1:00-1:45 on both Monday and Thursday.

Mass - Yesterday was our last Mass of the year!  They will not lead a mass again until next year. Hopefully we can all be back in the gym together.  On the 21st we have been asked to join Mass in the gym that day because this class is such good singers they want the kids to really lead it that day.

Friday, May 7th -  I am here for only half a day tomorrow.    I am taking a personal.  There is an engagement party for Josie tomorrow night so I am going to help get ready for it.  I look forward to an enjoyable day.  Wish the weather would be a little bit warmer.

Well, I am off to a track meet today!  It is in Carroll! It is a long haul and a long night due to it being Co-ed.  I hate cold and late nights. I am sad about my last child graduating but I am happy to be at the end of my sports mom days!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!  I feel like I just updated this blog!  The week has gone quickly this time.  Our time is dwindling!  I am so grateful that we have been able to be face-to-face all year!  I am also grateful that if kids needed to be home we had the option of being online.  It was so helpful for all of us!  I am happy that we are able to have this option for next year also.  The OWL camera's are amazing and a great purchase for our school.  I am happy I work in a school that gives us the online option whenever a student needs it.

Language Arts -  This week we are reading a story called Owen and Mzee (m-zay).  This is a story that you can look up online.  It is a true story about a hippopotamus and an aldabra tortoise.  The hippo was a victim of a tsunami and lost his family.  He was a baby and not able to live on his own.  An animal rescue took Owen in and he was put in an enclosure with the tortoise (Mzee).  They became fast friends, which is very odd for these two types of animals.  A mammal and reptile usually do not hang out together.  The kids really enjoyed this story.  We are working on commas in sentences this week for grammar.  Most of it is review for them.  The vocabulary strategy is the suffixes -ed, and -ly.  They will learn how they change the meaning of the word  and also the spelling rules that go along with adding them on the end of a word.  Next week is our last week of spelling tests and end of the week tests.  We will have a unit test following it and then we will begin reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl to finish the year.

Math -  This week we have focused on a couple of strategies for division.  Today they are learning the standard algorithm of division which is the strategy you and I learned as kids.  I will tell you this strategy is NOT their favorite.  The strategy we used before which is their favorite.  It is easier and better to understand the "why" this is happening.  The standard algorithm just confuses them.  They get lost in the process so easily.  It is hard to teach, you just have to dive in, teach it then just answer their questions as they work.  Helping them individually is better.  Everyone gets stumped at a different part of the problem.  So, according to one student, they are happy to learn this because now their parents can help with homework! LOL

Social Studies - We have taken our last test for this year.  We will still be covering chapters and doing the worksheets that go along with them, but we need to move along to finish out the year.  They will still do map tests because we need to prepare for the big one at the end of the year.  They will need to know all 50 states and capitals.  We will also still continue to put states in our notebooks so they have all 50 by the time we are done.

Book Reports -  Just a reminder that book reports are due Friday, May 7th.  We will not be sharing that day, but they still have to be turned in.  We will be presenting them the next week!  I look forward to these.  I love seeing what the kids come up with and really listen to them talk about their books.

We are praying that the weather stays as nice as it has been.  It has made for a more pleasant time watching track meets for sure.   I do not like sitting and shivering!  I love sitting and soaking up some warmth.  I am off to Carlisle tonight.  I hope all of you enjoy a lovely  weekend!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!   I hope this finds all of you well.  It has been quite a week.  We have had a lot going on.  I was out Monday and Tuesday due to the death of my Father-in-law, the resident Artist was here, and we have Earth day Friday.  That is a busy week besides the academics we are doing also.  Recital for some is also this weekend.  This is Molly's Senior Recital.  I am ready yet I am not ready.  I am used to attending 2 recitals but this year it is just one!  That seems to make it sadder for me.   I hope everyone attend the Market on Maple this weekend.  Molly  will share her Senior Solo as the 5th act and it starts at 2:00PM.  Sounds like a lot of vendors will be sharing their crafts and food items.  I am looking forward to the Rolled Ice Cream truck. 

Language Arts -  This week we are reading a story called the Ever-Living Tree.  It is the showing the life of a Red Wood or Sequoia tree in California.  It compares its life to other things happening around the world.  It shows the longevity of life for this tree.  It also talks about how when it falls it gives back to the earth so more trees can grow.  This week in grammar we have reviewed ending punctuation and capitalization/punctuation in Quotations.  The kids are loving all this review in this last Unit.  Our vocabulary strategy was on prefixes pre-, inter-, and ex-.  The short story we are reading this week is poems about Towering Trees.  I also tell them about the tree you used to drive a car through and how it fell a couple years ago due to the torrential rains in California.  This also relates to them what happens to a tree after is falls.  Only 2 more weeks of stories left then we will move into reading Charlie and The Chocolate Factory!  FUN!

Math - This week has not been a good week for Math.  We have had so much going on.  On Monday we worked on Division facts and practiced with flash cards.  This was a good thing to do to help them remember those basic facts we need to do division.  Tuesday they were at the Resident Artist during Math.  Wednesday they did Dreambox in what little time they had for Math.  Today and tomorrow I hope to get a lesson in the book taught to them, but we are moving band to Math time due to Mrs. Taylor needing to be gone this afternoon.  I told them if there was not time for a lesson I was going to teach them a new card game I learned.  It is a fun game but you have to pay attention closely to numbers.  I don't know the name of it, I just know I learned to play it last night. They will be wanting to teach you at home I am sure.  We will be working our way through the 2nd half of the Division chapter as soon as things calm down and we can dig in.  I need to be sure we are giving it the time it deserves.  After Division we may have a small geometry section and then we will move on into fractions.  This is my hope for the rest of the year.  We will see what the time allows us to do.

Social Studies - I told the kids we would be picking up the pace and moving and a quicker pace. We will be finishing up this chapter already and will start a study guide on Monday.  We will spend some time putting states into our notebooks then we will move into the next chapter, also over the Midwest.  I will also get their maps ready so they can practice and take a map test over the Midwest.  Then we will move into the Southwest which we will cover but may not test over.  So that we cover more in the book and learn more about each of the last regions.   

Earth Day - Remember tomorrow is Earth Day.  We will be working and cleaning up our grounds.  The kids can wear sweats and comfy clothes to work in.  We will be working, not goofing.  They also need to bring their rakes.  If they do not know how to rake they are going to learn tomorrow.  I would recommend sending gloves with them also so we prevent blisters.  We will be outside working from about 1:30-2:15. They are also asking for a $1.00 donation to the school to buy flowers to plant and help make our grounds more attractive. I love when the flowers are out and every yard looks more beautiful.  

Spirit Day -  Tomorrow will be a "Hat' Spirit Day.  This means they can pay the $1.00 to wear a hat all day.  We want them to be able to wear sweats today so they can get dirty and be comfy to work.

Thank you very much for those who have reached out about my father-in-law.  He was a great person who really taught my kids a lot of life lessons. He was always thinking about others and was just the kindest person you could meet.  We will miss him greatly.  I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and I hope the weather perks up so we can all get outside and soak up some sun.

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, April 15, 2021

 Dear Parents, 

     Happy Thursday!   I am very glad it is Thursday.  I am ready for Friday.  Yesterday I must have got out of my chair at school wrong or something. I am very down in the back.  I saw my chiropractor yesterday and go again today.  I don't normally have back problems and this one is painful.  As long as I don't sit too long and walk around a bit to loosen things up, I am good.  The kids are all aware and I being so kind and helpful.  This makes me smile.  It shows how much they care.  I hope we have a warm-up in the weather.  I don't like these borderline temperatures.  I want it to be warm not chilly.  I know the kids would rather it be warm also.  This time last year they were able to play outside a lot more often then now.  What a different world we were in a year ago.  

Language Arts -  We did not read a story this week. We used this time to complete the ISASP testing.   I am also meeting with the students one-on-one to discuss their Opinion papers they wrote a couple weeks ago. We are editing and revising together. It is amazing the mistakes they find on their own when I just read their paragraphs aloud to them.  This is the fun part of writing for me. I love watching them realize the changes they need to make.   I hope to have everyone done by the end of the day tomorrow.  Next week we will be back on schedule for spelling tests and end of the week tests.

Math - We have not done anything new in the chapter this week due to ISASP testing.  We have used this time to be sure to complete them.  We did check our Mid-Chapter Checkpoint today.  Then I had them do Dreambox for the remainder of the time. I had a couple students who needed to finish the Math ISASP so they did that.  Next week we will be back on track and learning more about division.

ISASP -  I am so happy everyone was here this week.  We have completed all our testing and are done!  YAY!  Everyone cooperated very well!  I will be anxious to see our scores because I thought the tests were very challenging.  I feel like these took less time to get through and each student could take whatever time they needed.  There was no time limit.  This removes half the stress right there.

Spirit Day - Tomorrow is NOT a spirit day.  We have pretty much had them all week so tomorrow is just a normal day.  I appreciate those who participated this week. I even had a comfy pants day today.  Which was great with my back bothering me. 

Clean-Up Day - Next Friday the 23rd is our annual clean-up day.  Your kids need to bring a rake.  The flyer for this day went home last week.  If your child doesn't know how to rake they are going to learn.  We will be outside raking weather permitting, from 1:30 - 2:15 that day.  Make sure to send gloves with them also. We don't want blisters.

Resident Artist- We will have the resident artists here on Monday and Tuesday.  The 4th graders will be going  Tuesday at 9:00 to work with them.  This year they are making clay tiles that will be made into 3 crosses to hang in the hallway by middle school.   I can't wait to see what they do.  So exciting to create a piece of art that will hang in the building for years to some.

Good News, I made it the full day and my back feels better now than it did this morning.  I am so happy.  Boy did it hurt.  I am praying for a warm-up in the weather for all of us. Have a great weekend.

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!   I almost forgot it was Thursday and I needed to type a blog.   Thank goodness the track meet for tonight was cancelled so I have plenty of time to get this done.  This was a great week up until today weather wise!  I was enjoying the warm weather and not wearing a coat.  Then the rain had to come and the chilly temps are back.  Recess duty today was okay but it could be better.  We have had a pretty good week in the classroom except the ISASP practice tests we took and the kids being a little too chatty.  I am sure it is the weather causing it.  Please be sure to see the not in their folder about the ISASP tests that we will be taking next week.

Language Arts - This week we read a story called I could Do That!  It is a story about women getting the right to vote in Wyoming.  This was the first state to give women voting rights. They gave them rights well before the amendment was added to the Constitution.  Esther Morris was the women who brought about the change.  She also became a judge in the state of Wyoming and had no educational background for it.  This is why Wyoming is nicknamed the Equality State.  We talked about negative sentences and what words make a sentence negative. We also talked about sentences using a double negative and worked on making changes to them so their was only one negative word in them.  The vocab strategy was on Adages and Proverbs which can sometimes be difficult.  They need to study their spelling words and their vocabulary packet for their test tomorrow.

Math - This week we have focused on the Distributive Property in Division.  We spent a couple of days on that.  Then we used Math time to work on the practice tests for ISASP tests.  The next thing on our agenda is to do a Mid chapter checkpoint.  That will happen tomorrow for class.  It will be due on Monday.

Social Studies - We finished up and tested over Chapter 7.  You should see the tests come home tonight. Please sign them so the kids can return them to me.  We will also end the week with another Southeast States Map Test.  I gave them each 4 practice sheets to practice tonight at home.  They must label all 12 states and capitals.  We will also be putting another state into their notebooks tomorrow.  That will only leave one more state to get put in there before we move on to the Midwest!  We will start that region next week

ISASP -  We will begin taking the ISASP tests next week.  This is the new acronym for Iowa Test of Basic Skills.  It stand for Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress.  The practice tests we did this week were pretty challenging.  They are learning they have to slow down and really think about what it is asking.  Please be sure your student gets a good night's sleep and breakfast next week.  Brain food would be best!

Spirit Day - Tomorrow is a spirit day!  You can pay $1.00 to wear sweats or a hat all day.  This week we used the money for Mrs. Levine who had a fall.  She has stitches and had a concussion.  We are thankful she is back at school and doing well.

There will not be regular spelling test or end of the week test next week.  The ISASP will take up a lot of our time in the mornings. We are trying to have normal afternoons for the students.  All testing will be in the morning only.   I am sure your student will come home frustrated because of all the testing. I feel their pain but I will make is as relaxed as I can for them.  

It is Prom Weekend at our house.  Senior Prom is already here!  WOW I can't believe it.  Saturday will be a very busy day.  Also my father-in-law is still hanging on.  Please continue to pray for comfort and peace for him.

God Bless, 

Mrs. Sickels 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!  It's Crosswalk Day!  This is one of my favorite days.  It is a perfect way to spend our last afternoon together before Easter.  We have had a good week.  They are working hard at school. I grateful that we are back in school after Spring Break.  Last year this wasn't happening.   Please continue to pray for peace for my father-in-law.  Again, I may get called away from school.  Please know that when I do I will keep you updated.

Language Arts - We started back in our textbook.  We have 5 weeks in the book and one week of testing and we are done with the series.  This is exciting because then I have a book we all ready and study together.  They are looking forward to it.  This Unit of stories in our book is full of interesting stories.  The one this week is called The World According to Humphrey.  It is about a Hamster named Humphrey that is a classroom pet and he gets to home with a different student each weekend.  It talks about the adventure he has at one particular house where they watch way too much TV.  The story actually teaches or lesson about too much TV.  They have enjoyed the story but it is a long one.  Due to it being a short week, we are taking the spelling post test today and the end of the week test.  In grammar we are talking about comparative (-er, more) and Superlative (-est, most) adjectives.  The students learned when it is appropriate to use each one.  If you are comparing two things you use comparative and it you are comparing 3 or more things then you use superlative.  We also discussed context clues this week.  The short story we read taught them about Advertisements and the persuasive language and techniques they use to  get you to think like them or buy their product. So when they start pointing things out about Ads you will know why.

Math -  We covered a couple lessons this week. One remainders and one on dividing tens, hundreds and thousands.  These lessons were pretty easy and everyone did very well on them.  Next week will start another strategy in division.  They are anxious to learn division.  I am happy they are enthusiastic about learning.  This will make teaching division much easier.   We used out math time today for Language Arts so I could ensure that all the students could get their test finished since we don't have study hall time this afternoon. 

Social Studies -  We have finished up at chapter and will begin the study guide on Monday.  Tuesday we will go over it and Wednesday they will test over it.  We will also be having the 2nd map test over the Southeast by next Friday.  So some need to get to studying their states and capitals for the Southeast.  The Midwest is next up for Regions.

Please be sure to check your email for  information regarding enrollment for next year.  The deadline for getting your student enrolled is due Friday, April 2nd.

Reminder:  NO SCHOOL on Good Friday, April 2nd. 

I hope everyone enjoys their Easter weekend.  I hope the weather cooperates for some warm sun for all.  We could all use it!  

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!   We are back!  I tell the kids it is the beginning of the end.  We are now here with no more breaks until the end of the year.  It is a time of a lot of work.  When I am making plans I am now thinking about the end of the year and where I need to be.  Yes, it is a couple months away but I still have to think big picture.  I am only here until noon today.  I have a Dr. appointment in Des Moines.  I have prepared the kids for days that I would be gone.  I would also like to share that my father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer about 8 months ago.  He has a very rare, aggressive incurable cancer.  Hospice has now been brought in to take over.  I have had family at my house all week and I have a feeling that I will have family in and out until the end.  There may be a time I need to be gone.  I will always be here unless they call everyone in for the end. I told the kids I have had lack of sleep for staying up late so I may be half crazy some days but so far so good.  Please just pray for us, pray for peace for my father-in-law.

Language Arts-  This week we have completed the Unit 4 test and we are working on writing an opinion paper.  The test is complete you will see results next week.  We are slowly working on their opinion essay.  They have got a topic and a plan.  Today we will move forward with some writing.  I also assigned them their next book report on Monday.  They have 6 weeks to pick a book, get passed by me, read the book, and complete a diorama.  They have 1 more week to choose a book. Be sure your student is doing that.  Right now I only have 2 people who have chosen a book and one is almost done with it already.  Next week will go back to our regular language arts schedule.

Math - This week we have begun to study division.  We are working on estimating quotients using a multiples.  I have given them a multiplication table to use instead of making them find the multiples every time.  It would be very time consuming if they did.    Division may get very difficult. Please don't struggle with them, have them come early in the morning and I will help them.  This will make it easier on all of us.

Social Studies -  We are talking about the Civil War this week.  We all know this is a very large topic that we could spend an entire semester learning about but we literally just skim the surface.  The kids seemed very interested in the topic yesterday so they may have come home and asked about it.  This can be a very hard topic to discuss due to slavery and the Confederate states.  

Spirit Day -  Tomorrow is a Spirit Day!  They can pay $1.00 to wear sweats or a hat.  The money has been going for a great cause.  We have helped out some teachers who have had surgeries recently with some gift cards for a meal or gas for their travels.

We are getting our 2nd COVID shot tomorrow!  YAY!  I will admit I am a little nervous.  I pray I feel okay.  I have too much going on to have time to be sick.  I hope everyone has a great weekend.  It has been a good week back.  I look forward to everyone staying refreshed and the weather turning sunny to keep a pep in our step for the rest of the year.

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Friday, March 5, 2021

 Dear Parents,

     Happy Friday!   I am so sorry this is a day late! I pray none of you get the stomach flu.  It is definitely no fun and pretty miserable.  I have not been around anyone who has had it either.  The weather has been great!  I hope everyone is getting out and enjoying it!   I have not yet but hope to today and tomorrow for sure.  I hope Spring is here to stay.  

Language Arts -  This week we are reading a story about Cesar Chavez who fought for the Migrant Farm Workers in California in the 1960"s. The story is called Harvesting Hope. This was very interesting because in our read a loud book Three Keys which is focusing on immigrants. One of the character's jobs was working as a migrant farmer.  We could make a connection from this story to the character in the book.  This is an interesting story.  They were definitely learning something new.  We worked on Clauses in grammar which are very difficult.  The way they have me teach it is different from the way the test them so they will only being completing the first 5 grammar questions today on their end of week test.  The Vocab strategy was over Resource books.  The dictionary is what they practiced.  We will read the story again and go over discussion questions today then end with out test.

Math - This week we have been busy learning to work with checks, deposit slips, and check registers.  One day they shopped at DQ, one at Wal-Mart and they have paid me money for school supplies.  I have given them money to count out and deposit into their accounts.  Every student has a different balance in their check register based on what I have given them and what they have chosen to spend.  It is fun to see what they choose to spend money on.  It is a wide range of things in here.  Some I expect others I do not.  Next Wednesday is our day to play it out. Again they will write a check to the school for lunch account.  They will buy a bag of popcorn and then they will go to a store and purchase things.  It will all depend on the money they have.  All of them will have the same amount that day.  They have worked 2 jobs here at school to earn a paycheck and then they will receive a birthday gift.  They are looking forward to this day because they will all walk around the building to do these things.  They will go to the office to pay lunch bill, kitchen to buy popcorn and then 7th grade room or art room to shop in the store. It will be fun.

Social Studies - Today we are taking a map test.  I was not here yesterday so I was not here to remind them but they knew it was happening.  We will see how they do.  We will have another one so they have another opportunity to improve.  They will also be given a map skills page today for homework.   

Today was a Spirit day!  Several of the remembered!  I am sorry I did not get to remind them.  Mrs. Clark had knee replacement surgery on Tuesday so some of the money we have earned is going to her to help with meals.

Conferences -  Next week is conferences and the first part of Spring Break!  Everyone is signed up for a time! I am anxious to talk to all of you about your child's progress.  See you next week!

Book Fair -  We will have a book fair next week during conferences.  The kids will have the opportunity to visit the fair and make a wish list. They can bring money to purchase books on Thursday.  We have someone who want to purchase a book for each child in my classroom.  They will be able to pick out one book that will be bought for them.  I made them aware of this today.  The kids were very gracious about it.  I will have them give me the book they want so that I can keep a total.  I did not get Book Fair papers sent home yesterday. I will send them home on Monday with the kids.  It is just a sampling of what they will see at the book fair.

I hope all of you have a great weekend and get out to enjoy the fabulous weather.  I will be with family as we gather to buy my Great-Uncle who passed away in California.  He is originally from Ellston and will be laid to rest there.  I will be seeing family I have not seen in years.  My uncle was my Grandmother's brother and has not lived in the area for years. He was 90 and the last living of my grandmother's siblings.  So a family reunited.

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!  Finally a full week of school together!  YAY!  Also how about that weather on Tuesday!  I was stuck inside but I had to run an errand after school, and I did it without wearing a coat.   This is definitely the correct weather for this time of the year. Temperatures look to pretty favorable for the rest of the week and next.  Maybe winter is over!  Let's say many prayers for that.  Please keep the boots and snow pants coming to school though.  Our playground will be terribly muddy for a while!  We want to try and keep your child clean and dry.  Also we try to keep the mud outside!

Conferences-  I have emailed you and put the link for conferences on our Facebook page.  Many of you are actually already signed up. Thank you. If you have not, here is the link again.  Please be sure to reserve a time to visit with me.  Also, be sure to read the rules for conferences.

4th grade Conference Sign Up

Language Arts -  This week we are ready a fun story:  Hercules. Hera was jealous of the relationship between her husband Zeus and his son Hercules.  Hera wanted Zeus to herself.  So she tricked Hercules into using his strength for the bad, and his father sends him down to earth to prove himself to be a God.  When on earth Hera tries to be sure he is given impossible tasks to complete to prove he is worthy.  Hercules actually accomplishes all 3 impossible tasks.  It is a happy ending.  He earns his place on Mount Olympus with Zeus.  This is different from the Disney movie.  I am also showing them the Disney movie.  We watched some yesterday and will watch more today and hopefully finish tomorrow.  Spelling words this week are using Prefixes: un-, re-, and dis-.  The grammar lesson is on Prepositions.  This is a difficult lesson to teach and they are kind of hard words to understand.  We are doing the best we can to figure them out.  When they take the test I will probably put a list of prepositions on the board to help them.  Tomorrow they will be taking their post test in spelling and their end of the week test.  Please remind them to study their yellow vocabulary packet!

Math -  We are working on finishing up Chapter 13 on Area and Perimeter.  They were taught three lesson in this chapter.  They were taught the formulas to use when finding these.  This is a little bit of algebra.  When we use the correct Perimeter formula of P= (2 X L) + (2 X W)  we are doing algebra.  Perimeter can be found by just adding all the sides together but when finding perimeter of a rectangle we can use this formula which is easier.  They have completed the Dress Rehearsal and gone over it.  Tomorrow we will take the actual test.  The next week we will start or week long unit on how to write checks, fill out deposits slips and keep a check register.  This will play a role in our March 10th Biztown activities.

Social Studies -  We are finishing up our first chapter in the Southeast.  They will be taking a test today.  We will begin looking at a map test over the Southeast next week.  We will dive right into the next chapter.  I plan to pick up the pace a bit when covering this one.  We only have like 3 states to put into our interactive notebooks also.  We just keep moving.  We have 3 more regions to get through before the end of May.  

BizTown St. Malachy Style -  We normally attend JABizTown every other year.  The 4th and 5th graders are the ones who attend.  Due to COVID ( imagine me saying that) we are unable to attend.  Ms. Surma, Mrs. Simmons and I have come up with a Biztown St. Malachy Style.  The kids will be given an envelope with deposit slips, checks, and a check register.  The kids are doing 2 jobs here at school to earn a paycheck.  They are cleaning tables after lunch and gathering the trash at the end of the day with Adolfo.  They will receive a paycheck for their work.  We also plan to give them a birthday gift from grandparents to deposit into their account also.  On March 10th, with this money they will visit the office and pay for a week of lunches, they can visit the Kitchen and purchase popcorn for a snack, and then they will visit a store put on by the 7th grade math class.  This store will have some fun school items they can purchase: pencil sharpner, erasers, pencils/pens.  The student will have to write a check for all their purchases and subtract it in their check register so they do not spend more money then they actually have.  It is a life lesson that we are trying to help them understand.  We wanted to do something much bigger involving more parents coming in to run places of business BUT once again the pandemic is causing us to make changes.  I think it will be a fun experience.

Spirit Day -  Tomorrow is a Spirit Day.  Again a very nice opportunity to pay $1.00 and wear sweats!! 

I can't wait to see some of our St. Malachy students perform Friday night at Jam the Gym.  It is my daughter's Senior year and she will be performing for the last time with the Peppers.  Just another "Last" that happens this year.  We have not been sad about it.  We are actually excited for her next adventure in life.  I am sure when it gets down to it I will be super sad but it is exciting to watch her put an end to a high school career and begin the next step.  Her plans are to attend Iowa State University and become and elementary teacher.  

I hope all of you have a great weekend!!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!  I might need to say Happy Fat Tuesday on Thursday.  We have the tradition of the 4th graders making donuts on Tuesday and delivering to all the students in the school.  Well, due to the pandemic I couldn't make them this year.  Also, we had a "cold" day on Tuesday!  BUT we did not let any of that stop us.  Mrs. Burg took charge!  We had several sponsors help to make this happen!  The cooks got the donuts ready in individual "boats" and had them on carts.  The 4th grade washed up, put on their gloves and went around the building delivering.  It was a super fun time.  Everyone was excited!  I also made sure to tell them they were not as good as Mrs. Sickels made donuts but they would do for this year.  Hopefully next year we can go back to the normal tradition.  

Language Arts -  This week is a short one!  Sooo... we are not doing a spelling test over this story.  We will work on the Spelling worksheets during the week and we will do the grammar and voacab strategy worksheet but we will not take an end of the week test.  We just have to go with the flow, and I do not feel rushing the students through a story that we usually spend 5 days on and making them test over it, would be beneficial at all.  I am not one to set the kids up for failure and I just don't feel I can give the story justice in 2 days.  The other issue is we need to keep moving forward. The good thing is this is an interesting story BUT not one they want to hear over and over.  So maybe the "cold" days worked in their favor!  Next week the weather looks to be good so I am not worried about missing any days.  They will love next week's story.  It is Hercules.  

Math - This week is finishing up with area and perimeter.  Today we passed out donuts for math.  Tomorrow we will learn the last lesson that we will cover in this unit.  Next week we will do a dress rehearsal and take the test.  Then it is on to Division. We will also start doing a little with writing checks, checkbooks and check registers.  We are teaching them some real life skills.  Normally we would do a huge unit on it and then go to Des Moines to JA BizTown.  Due to the pandemic, we will be putting on our own mini "BizTown" here in our building.  The kids will need to do a couple jobs.  They will do trash and wipe down tables after lunch a couple days.  This is so they earn a paycheck.  Then they will have a couple bills to pay and then a store to purchase items.  We have not solidified the whole thing but we plan to do it on March 10th. I will tell you more when we have mapped out what it will really look like.

Social Studies - The students are finishing up a chapter.  Today they are finishing the last lesson on Wildlife and Resources.  They are learning about The different wildlife in the different areas of the southeast and what important resources come from the area.  Next week they will be working on a study guide and taking a test.  I will begin to pick up the pace a little more and expect a little more out of them each day so that we can get to where we need to be.  I will also introduce the Southeast maps to them next week and they will need to study for a map test.

Auction -  Tomorrow is the deadline to order food for the auction. If you are having a watch party with friends you can order the meal.  It is $40.00 a meal.  There is also a Charcuterie tray that can be order for $15.  The auction is the 27th online. Again thank you for all your donations that helped make our basket successful.

What a short week!   I am much better if I am here the full week.  The two weeks we have only had 3 days, I have felt very tired everyday.  I also feel lost because I am rearranging plans in my plan book.  I then question is this important, should I shorten this lesson in order to get more done.  When I think about it, last year we would only have 3 weeks of school left.  It is so crazy to think about!  Would I have done things differently last year if I would have known this.....most likely.  So I am just constantly thinking ahead now.  I know we will not close school this year but it is just weird to think that almost a year ago we were done!  

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!  Here we are once again.  This week has gone rather quickly, I feel.  I am not sure why either.  We actually completed a full week this week.  It looks like we could have flurries or light snowfall for the next three days.  It is such a pretty snowfall when it just falls lightly.  This winter reminds me of the winters when I was a child.  It snowed a lot more than we get now.  People complain about it but it was a lot more when I was young.  Yes, I still love the snow and I am happy we get it.  We live in Iowa it is expected.  I will say I am not a huge fan of the cold though.  This below zero stuff can go away anytime soon.  The sad thing is it looks to be here all next week also.  It may not be below zero but it will be single digit temperatures.  

Masks -  Yes, the Governor lifted mask restrictions but we are not.  Quarantine is still a thing.  If we decide not to wear masks and someone tests positive for COVID then the whole class goes home.  We do not want that to happen.  COVID has not gone away nor has the fact you have to quarantine.  We want to keep everyone healthy and at school so we will continue to wear the masks so we can continue to be in school every day.  Please be sure to have this discussion with your child.  I have a couple that are pulling their masks done below their chin and wanting to leave them there.  If someone gets sick they will have to quarantine and most of you don't want that to happen.  Also, those of us who had COVID in November our 90 days is coming to an end.  So, we are at risk again.  I sure don't want it again.  I am eagerly awaiting my shot!

New Student -  We have the most exciting news to share.  We are getting a new student in 4th grade.  Jonah Post will be joining us Friday afternoon to visit the room and meet the students and myself.  He will begin full-time on Monday.  We are so excited about going back to 6 students.  Well, the girls are excited but they wish it was another girl.   I am sure they will be very helpful in welcoming him to the classroom.

Language Arts -  This week they are reading a story called Riding Freedom.  This story is just an excerpt from a chapter book with the same title.  It is kind of a Mulan story.  A woman named Charlotte Parkhurst wants to work with horses.  Only men/boys were suppose to do that.  She disguises herself as a man and does the job.  She becomes a stagecoach driver, which is a man's job.  She is injured and loses sight in one eye.  She teaches herself to use her other senses to help her and still drive a coach.  The section they read is about her being put to the test on whether she is capable of driving anymore.  It is a good story.  In grammar we are learning what adjectives are and what they do.  Adjectives are descriptive words that describe nouns.  Writing without adjectives can be very boring.  I read some sentences without adjectives then reread them putting the adjectives back in so the students could see the difference.  The vocabulary strategy this week is on figurative language.  It covers similes, metaphors, idioms and adages and proverbs.  That  is a lot for one lesson.  All are review for them.  Tomorrow will be a normal Friday so be sure the students study their vocabulary packet and spelling words.

Math - This week we began chapter 13 and learned perimeter.  They completed some problems finding perimeter of squares and rectangles.  They got to go around the hallways and find 2 rectangular/square objects to measure and find perimeter.  This was a fun activity because it got them out of the room and moving.  We also learned about area.  Today they are practicing finding the area of rectangles/squares.  Tomorrow they will get to go around and find 2 different things to measure and find the area.  Next week they will work on a wkst that is quite challenging.  They will be given a mass of rectangles and squares and they have to find the area of all them. It just helps them with knowing sides of rectangles and squares and it practices our skill.  The last lesson in chapter 13 is how you can find area of an odd shaped room.  It is actually 2 rectangles put together.  I help them find the two and how you can find area of both and add the areas together.  After that lesson we are finished with chapter 13!  Only 3 lessons long!  Quick and easy and good stuff.  We also talked about jobs that require people to use area and perimeter all the time.  

Social Studies- We have been talking about the make-up of the land and climate in the Southeast.  We will put 4 more states in our notebook today and tomorrow.  They have done a great job with the states.  We only have 3 more to go and we will have the Southeast completed.  We will be finishing up the chapter next week and beginning to review for a test.  

Valentine's Day - We are celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow here at school.  The kids decorated bags yesterday in Art to put their Valentine's in.  The students may bring their valentines to school tomorrow to share with the kids. Our Valentine Party will happen about 2:15.  The students will pass out their valentines and get to eat a snack and drink while doing it.  They will NOT get to eat any candy out of their bags.  That candy will come home for you to decide when and how much they eat.  They will get to look at all their valentines when everyone is done passing them out.  Due to our new student coming tomorrow afternoon if you could add a valentine for Jonah that would be awesome.  

Spirit Day - Tomorrow is a Spirit Day!  What a perfect day to wear sweats to be extra warm on an extra cold day.  The money we raise is used for a good cause.  We just sent a basket of snacks and goodies to the Middle School teachers at East Union for the loss of their student Autumn Gladsfelder to suicide.  We wanted to let them know that our school was praying for them and their loss.  So we really do use it for good things. 

Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend.  It is to be another cold one for sure.  The weatherman from channel 8 that did a zoom with the 5th graders for science told the kids no more snow days for a while but he would not be surprised if many schools called a 2 hour delay for Monday morning because the temperatures are to be way low.  We told the kids, I guess we will just see if his predictions are correct!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Dear Parents,

         Happy Thursday!   Well, another snow day is upon us!  I think I am glad with how bad the wind is blowing!  If we think about it the roads were not good for travel at our normal time but it still was not good if we would have had a 2 hour delay.  I guess the correct decision was made.  All of you received a survey about snow days and virtual snow days.  Please be sure to fill that out.  I will be doing some reading today, and I think I am going to bake my grandma's sugar cookies.  I was going to do it at Christmas and it never happened.  Today might be the perfect day for it.  I hope all of you do something productive today.  Relax and enjoy and I look forward to being back together tomorrow for Camo Day.

Language Arts -  This week they have worked on their Unit 3 test.  We spent 3 days completing it. I try to break it down so that the students are now doing the whole thing in one day.  I will have scored ready to go home next week.  Our other activity this week was to begin working on a writing project.  We were going to begin writing an opinion paper.  Not sure there will be enough time to do that in one day.  Their book reports are due tomorrow so today is a perfect day to get those finished.  Maybe the snow day was for you, so you can be sure it is complete.  Next week we will start back up in the book with a regular week of spelling tests and end of the week tests.

Math -  We are wrapping up chapter 3.  They have taken the dress rehearsal test and we have gone over it.  They were to take the test today.  So I guess that moves into tomorrow.  After this chapter we will be doing chapter 13 on Area and Perimeter.  We will also be doing some work on "real life" math using checkbooks, deposit slips and check registers.  I hope these next few items are fun for the students.  After all of this we will hit the big topic of Division.  This one can be hard and frustrating.

Social Studies -  The students have been working hard on putting some states in their interactive notebooks.  They are getting much quicker at this process.  Their coloring may be getting worse though because they want to be done and have no homework.  I agree it is tedious.  I am completing my own interactive notebook with them.  I wanted to have an example for students and I have never had the chance.  This year with 5 kids I am finding the time to do just that.  I can't wait to be finished with the whole thing.  We will begin reading in the book again tomorrow.

Auction Basket/Silent Auction -  Thank you so much for the donations I have received so far.  Remember tomorrow is the deadline for donations.  We plan to place the Pampered Chef order to get the items here.  The pictures were taken last week for the silent auction item and the puzzle has been ordered.  It may be arriving this weekend.  I am so happy we are on the ball and getting things completed in a timely fashion.  Then we don't have to panic at the last minute.  I hope this years auction is very successful.

Catholic Schools Week -  I feel like this has been a fun week.  We have still kept the academics going all week which has been wonderful from my point of view.  They had several activities that they did with their Angels.  Tomorrow is Camo Day!  We also plan to do a grandparent parade.  We are already thinking that may have to be filmed in the gym instead of outside due to frigid temps.  We are also thinking about possible trying to make up the snowman building activity.  Maybe when the temps are better and we have better snow for it.  We are moving today's Tie-Dye day to Monday.  So the kids will still get to wear their tie-dye.  I am happy about that because I bought a new sweatshirt for it.

Valentine's Day - We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th.  The students are welcome to bring Valentines to share with the others on Friday.  We will enjoy and snack and drink while they are passing out their valentines.  These items will be provided by our homeroom  parent.  The kids will only be allowed to eat the snack provided.  Any other candy will be kept in their Valentine Bags and brought home.  We will be making those Valentine bags during Art next week.

Sounds like this weekend could bring us some snow again.  Nothing major but snow and cold temps make me want to stay inside and warm. I hope everyone stays safe and warm!  Have a great weekend!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!  WOW! Thursday already!!  This week went super fast.  I guess that is what a major winter storm will do for ya.  This snow day my living room was rearranged.  I am running out of things to rearrange so the snow days can stop.  Tuesday I spent working on my incredibly hard Harry Potter puzzle and reading. Which made for a very enjoyable day for me.

Language Arts -  Well we are on our last story in this unit.  We are doing it very differently thanks to Winter Storm Nathaniel.  We will not have a normal week with a spelling pretest and post test, but we will complete the worksheets that go with the week.  It is covering a pretty important spelling skill.   They are practicing changing the -y to i and then adding -es or -est or -er.  We are working through the grammar pages also this week.  I plan to do the vocab strategy on context clues also.  We read the story today.  They will read with partners tomorrow.  There will be no end of week test this week either. I told the kids this was maybe a blessing for them because the story is okay but not spectacular.  After we read it they agreed.  Next week we will take a Unit test and begin work on a writing activity. Trying to rush things and test them would not be in anyone's best interest so this is where we are at this week.  Also you are going to see the scores of the last two weeks in today's folder.  The grammar section from the last story does not show good scores.  The lesson was not difficult.  You will find written on the score sheet your child's response to the question, "What could you have done to do a better job on this section of the test".  I asked this question after we went over every grammar question on the test.  They had some very honest answers.

Math -  We finished checking the math worksheet we did for practice.  We will go over lesson 3.7. This lesson is on Problem solving.  So we are focusing on word problems.  We will spend Friday working on this.  Next week we will be doing a dress rehearsal and then taking the test.  The next chapter we will cover is Area and Perimeter.  This is a fun chapter.  The kids will actually get to go around the building and do some measuring and figuring of area and perimeter.  Since they get to roam the building they love this chapter.  Plus it is very much real life hands on math.  I talk about different jobs out there that would use these skills everyday.

Social Studies -  They handed in signed test and their vocabulary preview today.  Then we began work on a project for Catholic Schools Week.  Each "wing" is to decorate their hallways with a theme. We are doing "All Around the US"  The kids decorated card board cut-outs of the states today.  We will work on this tomorrow also.  It is a good time to do it since we are just beginning a new chapter.  I may throw in a state for the interactive notebook also.  Next week we will start digging into the chapter.

Book It Calendars -  The end of January is near.  Please be sure to get those calendars signed and turned in next week.  The sooner the better.  I will have a new calendar ready for you on Monday.

Auction -  Thank you so much for the donations I have received so far. Remember you have until Friday, February 5th to make a donation towards our basket and silent auction item.  Dustin and Sam Baird came today and we had a photo shoot for our silent auction item.  We did a group photo, individual photos, and a boys group and girls group.  These pictures will be put on a puzzle.  Such a cool idea.  

Catholic Schools Week - COVID STYLE 

Sunday        January 31           Opening of Catholic Schools Week Mass at Holy Spirit 9:00 AM

Monday        February 1             Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day                         11:45-12:45 Angels will eat sack lunch together   Spirit Day: Google Meet Day (dressed up from the waist up)

Tuesday      February 2            Student Appreciation Day   2:15 - 2:50 Photo Scavenger Hunt with Angels     Spirit Day: State Day (come dressed as a certain state)

Wednesday    February 3           Community Appreciation Day Mass 9:15 - 4th & 5th (5th graders to participate)     2:15 - 2:50 Angels make cards for Nursing Homes        Spirit Day:  Mass Attire : Dress up day

Thursday    February 4             School Appreciation  2:00-2:50 Weather pending - snowman building    Spirit Day:  Tie-Dye Day

Friday        February 5         Grandparents/Special Guest Day   Virtual Grandparents or Special Guest using drone watch for post on Facebook!   Spirit Day:   Camo Day  

Tomorrow is NOT a spirit day, but next week is all a spirit day!  We did the best we could trying to plan things for the kids that were COVID safe.  We are doing a lot with our Advent Angels but it got our group sizes down to smaller numbers.  We have planned some fun things.  

 I hope the weather goes away for the weekend.  I do not want rain or snow.  We hope to Prom dress shop this weekend, weather permitting. Have a fun safe weekend!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels                 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!   I hope everyone enjoyed their snow day last Friday.  I know I did.  I got some things done around the house I had been dreading.  I then used Saturday and Sunday and days to relax.  I spent Friday night in my cousin's cabin west of town which was fun.  I woke up to watching about 6 deer feeding.  I wonder what this weekend will bring.  It looks like some more snow and maybe freezing rain.  We don't need the freezing rain for sure!!

Language Arts -  This week they are reading a story called "The Life and Times of the Ant".   This is a story about the life of ants.  All the hard work they do  and even a look into their nests.  The best part of this story is illustrations that go along with it.  They are cartoon like and very literal.   They just add a little enjoyment to a non fiction story.  We are working on present and past participle for grammar.  These are verbs that end in -ing and -ed.  This is a review for the students.   The vocab strategy was on suffixes, -able and -ible.  We worked on those today in partners.  We are doing this story in 4 days instead of 5.  Tomorrow we will have our post test and end of week test.  Please be sure that the students are studying their yellow packets and spelling words.

Math -  We learned the standard algorithm or regrouping strategy for double-digit multiplication this week.  I feel to really grasp what we are doing we need to spend some time practicing.  They were taught the strategy and practiced just a few problems in their book.  We went over those problems together and worked out some bugs.  Then they did a worksheet with just a few problems on it.  Today I copied a worksheet from my old math series.  They are still practicing this strategy.  They are working on  the odd numbered problems today and then we will check those an do the even ones tomorrow.  I feel like this will be enough practice to really say they can do this skill.  We will then move on to look at the problems and decide which strategy would be beneficial to use with certain problems.  We are getting to the end of this chapter.  We will begin testing soon.  Then our next chapter is a fun one, at least I think so.  I take them to chapter 13 and go over Area and Perimeter.

Social Studies - We have just finished up the Northeast Region.  Today we began introducing the Southeast Region.  There are 12 states in this section.  So they will be learning the location of 12 new states and capitals.  We will also start putting them into our interactive notebooks.  They corrected their tests today and will bring them home over the weekend to be signed.  I told them we would have to pick up the pace a little bit to move through the rest of the year.  

Tomorrow is a Spirit Day!   The temperature is suppose to drop and be cold.  By recess it will only by like 19 and we don't know what the windchill will be like so it's a perfect day to pay the $1.00 and wear sweats!!!  I told them I hoped they enjoyed the last two days because the weekend looks to be very different.

Please be sure to read about our Auction basket in the folder!  I have one donation so far.  We are a long ways from where we need to be.  Also, Sam and Dustin Baird are helping me with the silent auction item.  Remember we need all donations to be in by February 5th so we can get items ordered from our Pampered Chef consultant.  The sooner the donations the better so we have time to decide on items to order.  Thank you for all your support!

Have a great weekend!!

God Bless, 

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!!  I am not sure what happened I went to bed last night and everything was just fine.  I wake up to a Blizzard Warning!  What the heck!!  Crazy!   I guess we wait and see but I warning is usually a sure sign.  I hope everyone had a great Christmas Break!  I know I did.  I was not really ready to come back but now that I am here with kids, I am glad to be back!  Honestly, my favorite months are January and February because we get a lot done in these months.  We really don't have any interruptions so we can just work hard.  Catholic Schools Week is a great break in between the months though.  I know not many like this time of year because of the Winter but it is one of my favorite times of  the year.  I will keep them moving academically and hopefully a positive attitude!

Language Arts -  We are back to a normal week of Language Arts this week.  We are reading a story called Antarctic Journal: Four Months at the Bottom of the World.  The author of this story actually researched her topic.  She went and stayed in Antarctica for four months to experience it before she wrote about it.  The students found it very interesting.  They learned a little about Whales eating Krill and that it has no taste and penguins and how they build their nests.  In grammar we are talking about Modal Auxilaries which are words like can, may, might, could, would, should, and must.  We were trying to pay attention on their purpose and how to use them correctly.  These words can be tricky and they are struggling with them.  I will try to make the grammar part of the test a little easier for them.  The vocabulary strategy was on Greek and Latin word parts.  We talked about "spect", "struct", "tele" and "vis".  We talked about their meanings and how they fit into the words they are a part of.    Tomorrow will be a normal Friday with a spelling Post test and end of week test.  If for some reason the blizzard changes that it will all happen on Monday.

Math -  We have learned 2 strategies so far for double-digit multiplication.  We have learned using Area box  and partial product.  These are my favorite strategies to use.  I am a visual person so the Area box strategy is very helpful to me.  I also like partial product because it gives the students a better understanding of exactly what they are doing.  When I teach them the standard algorithm it tends to confuse them.  The other strategies are much easier for them.  I have taught the Partial Product strategy for most of my years teaching.  I have showed many adults how to do this strategy also.  They like it once they see it.  We finished the week with a Mid-Chapter Checkpoint.  I plan on starting a new lesson tomorrow weather depending.

Social Studies -  Tomorrow the students have their 2nd Map Test over the Northeast Region.  They will need to be able to label a map of the Northeast with the state and its capital.  They have taken this test once.  This will be the last time they take it.  They were given a study guide today.  This study guide is due on Monday.  They worked in partners and did a good job.  They may have a little bit to finish.  We will be taking a test next week over chapter 5.  After that we will move on to the Southeast Region.  That means new states to enter into our interactive notebooks and new set of states to practice for map tests.  If we do not have school tomorrow the map test will be on Monday AND the study guide still must be done on Monday.

Thank You -  I would like to say thank you for all the wonderful gifts that were given to me for Christmas.  I sent notes with the kids for thank you's but I am not sure they made it home to you.  I appreciate all the things we purchased for the classroom!  I also really appreciate those personal gifts.  It was very thoughtful of all of you.

Catholic Schools week is coming up starting January 31st.  More details will come later about what is happening that week to celebrate Catholic Schools.

Auction Basket - Yes!  The Auction will be taking place this year.  It will be very different. It will be online.  We will be doing baskets!  The 4th and 5th grade are joining together to do a basket.  Ms. Surma and I have decided to do a Pampered Chef basket.  We will either focus on pizza making or a baking basket.  It will depend on our donations we receive.  The value of the basket is not to exceed $300.  We are just asking for monetary donations and we will take care of purchasing the items and putting the basket together.  We need the donations by February 5th so we can get the items ordered and to us in time for the auction.     We will also need to do a silent auction item.  If anyone is interesting in working on that  with me please let me know.  I feel like we are running out of ideas for this one.  They all need to be more personal and include the kids in them.  I like to have others to help put this together.  Again just let me know if you are interested.

Well, be sure to watch the weather and the news.  If Creston Schools cancel that will include St. Malachy.  There will not be a separate notification for St. Malachy.  I did not think this would amount to much but now I am hearing the wind in our area will be the worst and we are looking at 6 + inches.  Crazy weather.  Everyone stay safe!!!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels