Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dear Parents,
     WOW!!  Well, it is here, the last blog for this school year.  I just can't believe that it is here all ready.  I am blown away that tomorrow is the last day of school!  We have been working on things all week and still working on certain subjects today.  

Language Arts -  We finished up, rather quickly, the end of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  We discussed the last three chapters then I showed them the old movie from the 1960's.  This movie is much more appropriate. I am not a huge fan of the new one.  The kids sat quietly and enjoyed the movie this morning. I was impressed with how quiet they were for that length of time.  They discussed any differences from the book when they appeared differently in the movie, which was great!!  I love this book and movie and usually I spend time talking about similarities and differences between them with a VENN diagram.  We ran out of time this year.  If we have time to kill tomorrow we will share these ideas on the board together.

Math -  We worked this week on the standard algorithm of division.  I think most of them have a good idea of what is expected but working through the problem we get lost on what is next.  This is definitely a skill I would practice over the summer.  One way to keep their math skills sharp over the summer is to pick a time of day when you know your child will be sitting down for a while like breakfast, lunch, or before bed and do one math problem at that time.  Make this problem a division problem.  Have it on the table with their breakfast and have them complete while eating.  It's a good brain exercise for the day.  You could also make a part of bedtime routine.  This will just help them to retain the skills learned this year.  

Social Studies -  Tomorrow is their big test!  They will be locating all 50 states on a blank map and listing the capital with it.  I have had 2 students take it all ready due to having their last day earlier.  They have done real well.  I told the kids to study as soon as they got home, again at bedtime, then in morning. Sing the song over and over!  They will begin this test at 8:30 in the morning!  That is the last academic thing for the year!!

I want to say again, Thank you for sharing your children with me! I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them!  You have GREAT kids!!  I am sad to see them move on but am thankful I still have the opportunity to teach them in Social Studies next year!!

Have a great summer!!

God Bless, 
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!! It is for me cause it is my Friday.  I will not be here tomorrow due to preparing for my daughters' graduation party and watching one of them run at State Track in the morning.  Whew! It has been a busy week.  One more week to go.  This week is Gavin's last week, he will be traveling with family next week.  We are praying they have a safe trip and can't wait to see him again next year.

Language Arts -  We have read about 11 chapters in Charlie and Chocolate Factory.  We discussed funny vocab words and how we would feel if we won a golden ticket.  We will continue to work on vocab and reading chapters so we can get through the book and watch the movie.  I will touch on a few more grammar things and parts of speech also.  We also will finish sharing our book reports. We have a lot to get done!  

Math- We are working on estimating quotients using compatible numbers. We are using the multiplication table to help us with this strategy.  Next week we will learn how to use the standard algorithm to divide.  It is the way that you have learned to divide.  By Friday I hope to have them doing division problems comfortably.

Social Studies- We are learning a few good facts about the Southwest Region this week and then we will move onto the West Region next week.  I finding the facts like climate and important things about the History of the area that helped to shape the United States to cover with them.  Remember the "big" map test will be next week.  It will happen like Thursday or Friday morning. I am not sure which yet.  Study, study, study!!

Sorry things are so short but we are winding down to the end!!!  Have a great weekend!

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Friday, May 13, 2016

Dear Parents,
      Yesterday was a fun day!  We had a great time riding on the train.  They also had a great time shopping in the gift shop.  I hope they came home with appropriate things.   I feel sorry for the mustache whistle buyers parents.  Those things were piercing!  The kids were all well-behaved and I am proud of them.  I am always reminded what great kids we have when I see other schools.  I will take this 25 with me anywhere.  It was a total family affair yesterday. I was told we had 11 cousins on that trip.  Nine of the students were related then the two adults that went along.  I appreciate them going. I was able to split the group up so we each had about 8-9 kids we were responsible for.  That always makes things nice.

Language Arts - We are working on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and will be until the end.  We created "Golden Tickets" today!  Some found this fun and some not so much.  They are hanging outside the classroom on the wall.  The 5th graders will get to vote for their favorite when all of them are complete.  We will work on reading up to chapter 10 next week and doing some work with verbs, adjectives, plural nouns, similes, contractions, adverbs and helping verbs.  This is so great, we review everything we have learned this year.

Math - We finished up division with remainders today.  Next is divide tens, hundreds, and thousands.  I intend for this to be quick and easy.  Then we will spend the rest of the time focused on the standard algorithm of division.  There will not be another formal test in Math.  I will be observing how they are doing on daily work and homework pieces.  Keep working on division facts!  

Social Studies -  We are working on learning some facts about Iowa right now.  I then plan to move into the Southwest states and gain some knowledge about these 4 states.  We had our first practice state and capitals test today. I feel it went much better than I thought it would.  They just need to keep practicing. Memorize the song and they will have it down.  I gave them a map of all 50 states today.  I had them making an answer key then they have two practice maps to work on.  If they need more all they need to do is ask.  They will have the test over all 50 states May 25th.  This is our last formal test in Social Studies.  Knowing the capitals is half the battle.  They just need to practice location.

WOW! The temperature sure dropped from this morning.   I hope everyone has a great weekend!! Only 2 more weeks of school left.  I will not be here on May 20th. I took the day off to prepare for our Graduation party but will also get to attend State Track and watch Josie run in the 4 X 200.  What a great end to the year.

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Today is our Field trip!!!

   Look for my blog tomorrow!

I hope to have a few fun pics from today.

Have a great Day!
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!!! I honestly feel like it just wrote this letter.  The weeks are flying by for me.  I am very busy with middle school track, high school track, and graduation things I can't keep the days straight.  The 4th graders are very chatty and finding it hard to focus this week.  I know it is just the fact that it is May and there are 25 of them.  I plan on teaching meaningful content up to the time we leave for summer.  I am changing the way we do things and allowing for more movement and cooperative work so that talking is appropriate but needs to focus on the content at hand.  Only 16 days left.  I am sad in couple ways, I feel our year has gone quickly and I have really enjoyed all of the students, plus my oldest two are graduating and will be moving on.  So proud I can still be that ISU fan!!  I am happy to be an ISU mom.  Also I will be a UNO Maverick fan!!  Universtiy of Omaha will be blessed with one of mine!!

Field Trip -  I have planned our yearly field trip to Boone, Iowa.  We will be visiting the Boone Scenic Valley Railroad and taking a train ride.  On this train they get the feel of riding on a train like they did long ago and a little Iowa History on the way.  I have sent in your child's folder a schedule of our day, fees, and permission form to fill out.  Please read through all of it and return ASAP.  The train ride is free, it is paid for by donation.  We have the $10 a child fee for the bus.  Please, be sure to include that money with the permission form.  The most important part of that information is that the bus will leave St. Malachy at 7:45 in the morning.  Yes, this is before school normally starts so it is important that your child is here.  The bus must be pulling away at this time or we will not make our boarding time for train.  If your child is not here, they will miss the opportunity to go.  Train is very particular about arrival times and boarding.  There are several other schools involved so they won't hold the train for us.  Also be sure your child brings a sack lunch. Sometimes it is nice if we pack an extra item in lunch bag in case someone forgets their lunch we can all share an item.  It has happened before.  This is a fun day and interesting trip.  The "high" bridge is the best part for the kids but not for me.  I have to set myself in the middle of the train and pray. I get very nervous.  Sometimes I take my book and read across it so I am not thinking about it.  They slow the train down and go over it at a snail's pace!

Language Arts -  We have begun reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  They have read the firs 4 chapters.  We have worked on vocabulary words, discussed the chapters and now they are working on an 8-page book showing the steps of making chocolate.  This activity is being completed at school with partners.    We will also be reviewing what sentences are, the use of commas, identifying nouns, adjectives and quotation marks. We will then move onto the next section which is chapters 5-10.  We will again work on vocabulary, create golden tickets and discuss the chapters.  The kids are having fun with this so far.  The downfall is the kids are sharing the books and I apologize for that, I only have 16 books.  I will try to work something out when there is homework with the books.

Math - We are learning to use their multiplication tables to estimate division problems this week.  They will be able to complete the worksheet using the multiplication table. I also plan to show them how to do it without the table.  We will focus on estimation and the standard algorithm for the rest of our days.  It is very important they have that down before they move on to 5th grade.  They seemed to be having fun with the lesson yesterday.  It is always fun when you feel good about getting an answer.  At home you could be working on those division facts.

Social Studies -  We have begun a study guide over the first chapter in Midwest States.  They will need to be able to label a map with the states and also list the capitals.  This is the only test we will take over the MIdwest.  We are going to finish the Midwest by doing some puzzle sheets on the states and it will require them to do some research, so we will be going to the computer lab for most of it.  We will also cover the Southwest in this way also. The puzzle pages are very challenging.  

         I hope all of you have a great weekend!!!  The graduation parties start!!  

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels