Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!  I am kind of sad to be writing my last blog of the year!  I can't believe it is here. I know it seems like this online learning has been going on for an eternity but I just can't get rid of this feeling of unfinished business.  This year will always feel so incomplete.  I knew this class would be memorable, but not in this way!  My heart aches for all the time we have missed.  I really enjoyed every minute I had with your children in the classroom.  It is so sad when I go to my room.  It is still like March 16 in the room.  I am not looking forward to going in and cleaning up the room for the year.  

Language Arts - We are ending the year doing some writing.  The first day this week they were just to write about fun things they like to do with their families.  I t didn't mean just in quarantine.  I just wanted to hear about things they really enjoy doing with their family.  Wednesday and Thursday they were to work on Opinion writing.  Friday they will also have another writing for me to do.  It is one for me.  They might consider it another opinion paper.  I will ask them to write about favorite things about 4th grade.  

Math -  The kids have done a great job learning math through all this.  They have covered quite a few standards that I really don't always get to.  Thank you for all the hard work. I know it has not been easy.  Today is the last math assignment.  I feel like this is a good stopping place.  On Friday, I want them to use their math time to do Social Studies.  I am just trying to help them be done!  I know they are ready and so are you.  

Social Studies -  I hope they have enjoyed some of the last few lessons.  I am a huge fan of the Rocky Mountains so learning about the West is always very interesting.  I tried to pick chapters that I felt gave them the most information.   They have 3 lessons today because I just could't cut it off at 2.  This is the main reason I am giving them Friday to work.  I hope they continue to sing their states and capitals song and work on locating their states.

Thursday, May 28th -  This is our drop-off and pick-up day.  Mrs. Simmons has sent you a sign-up genius to choose a time to bring things back to school and pick up their items from their desks and lockers.  I will have all of it packed up all ready.  Here are the things students need to return, followed by the link to sign up for a time.

  * Computer and cord
  *  Library books
  *  Charlie and Chocolate Factory Books
  *  Any book borrowed from my book shelf. My name or 
      St. Malachy School will appear in the front.

We have had a great year!  Your kids have come a long way from the beginning of 4th grade.  Be proud of what they have accomplished!  I am super proud of them for the work they did in the classroom to the work they have done online.  We still had a few behaviors to work on, but again they have come a long way from the beginning of 4th grade.  This class will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart.  

God Bless, 
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!  This means we only have one week left of lessons.  YAY!  I am sure we are all excited about this.   I feel like everyone has done a great job doing daily work and keeping up.  This will benefit you  next Friday.  If all your work is done then you are done.  You can begin a true summer.  I am ready for that!  I have had 3 new books arrive this week.  I bought a couple with gift cards from Barnes and Noble that I received for Christmas. (Thank you!)  These will begin my summer reading list.  I haven'r read much because I am on my computer all day so reading is not what I want to do.

Language Arts -  This week the students are finishing up Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with a book report.  They have been assigned certain slides to complete each day.  The last two are tomorrow. So at the end of the day tomorrow they should have their report finished.  Next week, I will be looking for short reads to do or grammar items to review.  Only 4 days of assignments.

Math -  This week we have worked on factors and multiples.  These are things that are needed to know when moving into fractions.  We have covered so many new things since we have been online learning.  They are doing an excellent job.  Tomorrow they learn about prime and composite numbers.  I am not sure what direction I am deciding to go for the 4 days next week. I will decide that over the weekend.

Social Studies - The student have typically read 2 lessons a week but next week there will be 3.  I will still put them out on Thursday and it will still be due the next Wednesday.  The sooner they get it done the better for them and for me.  We have covered a lot of information over 3 regions since we have left the building.  I am super proud of them and all the work they have done.

Dates:  Important dates to keep in mind.  

     May 25th is the day late work is due. 

     May 27th Last Social Studies will be due.

     May 28th Day to pick up personal things from school and drop off any                              textbooks. library books, and computers.

I hope this is all finding you well. (As a tornado warning was just issued for Clark County.)  Stay safe from weather and illness.  I have so missed spending the rest of this year with your children. I know this has not been easy on them or you.  Thank you for all you are doing with them.  It is so important we keep their minds engaged and learning.  We have been able to do that togehter.

Have a great weekend!

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!   Which means tomorrow is Friday!! YAY!!  I think Monday thru Wednesday is when I put in the most work.  I can ease up on Thursday and Friday.  I start getting Social Studies ready for next week on these days.  This week I had some extra things to deal with.  I had a Dollars for Scholars meeting on Monday night. I had to meet and video a presentation of Dollars for Scholars scholarship awards and a personal family scholarship today.  I have a Food Pantry meeting tonight.  After this week, I hope things slow down until I am done with school.

Language Arts - Today your students answered questions over Chapter 24-30 in the book.  Tomorrow they will take the Unit test.  This unit test is found in the very back of the packet.  It is the last page.  I converted that test online.  They will need to take that tomorrow. Next week I will be assigning them a small writing project over Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  We will only have about 7 days left so not sure reading another book will work.  I will have to research some ideas of things to do to finish the year.

Math- Today wrapped up their study on measurement.  Tomorrow they will begin looking at factors.  I am going to be working on planning out the rest of the year in this subject also.  I have several directions to go, I just need to pick the best one for the kids.  Only 12 more days of this counting today.

Social Studies -  We are moving through the book at a faster pace than if we were in class.  I have this subject mapped out already.  They have been doing 2 lessons a week.  The last week they will do 3 lessons. I just don't want them to miss out on any interesting learning.  The last section is the West region and to me the most interesting.  I want to be sure they are getting that fun stuff.  I will not be able to test the students on anymore states and capitals but I hope they are still practicing.  This is one thing they always walk away with is knowing where all 50 States and Capitals are located.  Keep practicing and singing that song!

Thank you very much for the flowers I have received from a couple of students.  I love them.
Teacher Appreciation week is a special one.

I hope this all finds everyone well.  We are still doing great.  We try to support local businesses but we are not ready to sit in a restaurant yet.   We go to the store but usually in a mask.  I think Walmart has been the worst.  Tons of people, and mostly people who don't care about wearing a mask or 6 feet.  I am good with no mask but keep your distance.  I am not worried about me but I have family members that I am doing shopping for that I do worry about.

I miss your kids every day and it makes me sad that this is how we had to end our year.  We had a great year and your kids did a great job learning to manage their time, homework, and other activities. Be proud!  I most definitely am!   

We are headed to Ames on Saturday to bring home more of my daughter's things.  She has found out her summer classes are now online also.  So back we go to get more things.  I hope all of you find something fun to do.

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels