Thursday, April 7, 2016

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!!  I hope all of you are having a great week.  It is a very tiring one here.  Two track meets in a week is wearing on me and I am not sure why.  Prom is this weekend so it will be very busy.  I have family from Des Moines and Iowa City coming in to stay with me.  I am excited because my great niece and great nephew are also staying at my house.  That will keep me completely occupied! 
      The kids have all been full of energy this week.  I have had to take a few minutes off recess because they have been loud and talkative.  We are having a better end to the week.  

Language Arts-  This week we read a story called Owen & Mzee (Mzay).  It was a fun story about an animal sanctuary and two very different animals coming together to form a very special bond.  Owen is a hippopotamus and Mzee is a tortoise, a very old one.  The Hippo is scared and finds solace with the tortoise.  These animals are actually very famous because it is such an odd relationship.  You can put the names into google and find articles and pictures about them.  The kids found this fun to read about.  Also, there are 3 authors and one of them is a 6 year old girl.  That also interested the students.  We have talked about comma rules this week in grammar.  Students should study their vocabulary words and also the use of suffixes -ed and -ly for the assessment tomorrow.  Also, don't forget spelling words!!

Math-  In Math we are finishing up a Mid-Chapter checkpoint over perimeter and area.  Our next lesson will cover missing sides.  Meaning I will tell the students what the perimeter or area is and then tell them one side and they will have to find out what the missing side it.  This is an algebra topic.  Once I teach it to them and they get it, I will tell them they are doing algebra.  They love it when I do this.  After that lesson we will get ready for a test over chapter 13. I told you it would be short chapter!!  Again next we dive into division. 

Social Studies-  We are getting ready to take a test.  We will finish this chapter Friday and Monday and will plan on taking a test next week.  I know it is Iowa Assessment week but you can't study for those and they can study for this one.  I need to keep us moving or I will never get through all regions.  This test will require them to label a map with Southeast states and they will also need to list capitals.  Let's start reviewing these!  Next chapter will begin the Midwest.  They love this because it is where we live.

Ms. Surma -  I just wanted to let you know.  Ms. Surma's mother was life flighted from our hospital Wednesday morning to Methodist in Des Moines.  She has pneumonia and has a hard time with it.  It hits her fast and hard. This is the third time she has had it. The first two times landed her in the hospital for several days.  Ms. Surma is kind of her primary care giver so she is out the rest of this week and depending on how her mom is, probably part of next week.  We ask that you keep her mom and the entire family in your prayers for a speedy and full recovery.

I hope all of you have a great weekend!!  Make sure we are gearing up for Iowa Assessments next week.  Pointers for you are to make sure your student is getting some good sleep, and make sure they are eating breakfast.  Also be sure you child has a couple wooden #2 pencils.  We don't want any issues with pencils so wooden #2 is what I am requesting.  They will get snacks from the PTO 3 days next week.  Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday the students will be provided with a nice break from testing and a treat.  It gives them a little time to socialize also.  This hopefully keeps them focused on the test, which are very important.  The teachers use this data to make many decisions about instruction and what kids we need to pay closer attention to.  All we ask is that each student do their very BEST!!!

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

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