Happy Thursday!!! Only two more letters from me this year!! WOW!! Where has the time gone. Tomorrow is going to be a great trip. Thank you to all the parents who were willing to drive for me. I had more offer than I normally do. We are still working very hard in all subjects. We will continue to do so up until the end. I have some very important things for them before the end of the year. My cell phone is 641-202-1580 in case you need me tomorrow. If you do send me a text and I will get back to you when appropriate.
Field Trip - Friday is out field trip. I have received all permission forms and money!! YAY!! Good job parents. Remember tomorrow we need to leave by 8:00 A.M. This does mean that bus kids need to be here. If they ride the bus they will miss going. I would like drivers to arrive by 7:45 and students in my room by 7:50. We will be arriving home around 3:30. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up. You can text me and ask if we are on time. I also call the school and make Mrs. Lane aware of our arrival time.
Language Arts - I am planning on the students taking a Unit Test over Charlie and The Chocolate Factory next week. It is a short one page test with matching, true/false, short answer and essay. They will all do fine. I also plan on their projects being due May 20th. I am just asking all projects to be due that day. We will share the candy ones first then if I have to delay presenting til Tuesday and Wednesday that will be those written projects. I am sure the students are working hard on those projects all ready. At the end of the year we will take a Unit 6 test plus an End of the Year test. Next week we will read our last story in the book and then begin preparing for those two things.
Math- In math we are still working on Division. I will finish that chapter up next week and we will take a chapter test. I am curious to see how they are improving in Division.We will also take an End of the Year assessment in Math. We have all ready taken it at the beginning of the year. We will take it again to see if there was any improvement. That will all begin happening after chapter 7 test.
Social Studies - We are moving through the Southwest and will be testing again soon. I will not spend 3 days on this test, because we need to move on into the West region. I will most likely give them the study guide and the answers. I will have them put answers on the study guide and then review for a test on the next day. End of the year comes and a lot of assessing needs to happen. This doesn't make for a very fun end of the year but it is worth the reward of summer.
Have a great Weekend!!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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