Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday! It's Crosswalk Day! This is one of my favorite days. It is a perfect way to spend our last afternoon together before Easter. We have had a good week. They are working hard at school. I grateful that we are back in school after Spring Break. Last year this wasn't happening. Please continue to pray for peace for my father-in-law. Again, I may get called away from school. Please know that when I do I will keep you updated.
Language Arts - We started back in our textbook. We have 5 weeks in the book and one week of testing and we are done with the series. This is exciting because then I have a book we all ready and study together. They are looking forward to it. This Unit of stories in our book is full of interesting stories. The one this week is called The World According to Humphrey. It is about a Hamster named Humphrey that is a classroom pet and he gets to home with a different student each weekend. It talks about the adventure he has at one particular house where they watch way too much TV. The story actually teaches or lesson about too much TV. They have enjoyed the story but it is a long one. Due to it being a short week, we are taking the spelling post test today and the end of the week test. In grammar we are talking about comparative (-er, more) and Superlative (-est, most) adjectives. The students learned when it is appropriate to use each one. If you are comparing two things you use comparative and it you are comparing 3 or more things then you use superlative. We also discussed context clues this week. The short story we read taught them about Advertisements and the persuasive language and techniques they use to get you to think like them or buy their product. So when they start pointing things out about Ads you will know why.
Math - We covered a couple lessons this week. One remainders and one on dividing tens, hundreds and thousands. These lessons were pretty easy and everyone did very well on them. Next week will start another strategy in division. They are anxious to learn division. I am happy they are enthusiastic about learning. This will make teaching division much easier. We used out math time today for Language Arts so I could ensure that all the students could get their test finished since we don't have study hall time this afternoon.
Social Studies - We have finished up at chapter and will begin the study guide on Monday. Tuesday we will go over it and Wednesday they will test over it. We will also be having the 2nd map test over the Southeast by next Friday. So some need to get to studying their states and capitals for the Southeast. The Midwest is next up for Regions.
Please be sure to check your email for information regarding enrollment for next year. The deadline for getting your student enrolled is due Friday, April 2nd.
Reminder: NO SCHOOL on Good Friday, April 2nd.
I hope everyone enjoys their Easter weekend. I hope the weather cooperates for some warm sun for all. We could all use it!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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