Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday!! This will be my last blog for this school year! I can't believe it is already here. I will try to cover everything we need to know in here. Please watch your email for any updates I may need to give you from now until the end of the year. I am sure I will forget to tell you something! My mind is always all over the place at the end. Plus this year I am crazy with my youngest graduating High School. So forgive me when I forget something. I love my summers, but I hate the end of the year and saying good-bye.
Language Arts - We have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory this week. The kids are loving it. Some are struggling to keep in separate from the movie. I have been stressing how the book came first. When they want to tell me the book is wrong because this happened in the movie, I have to remind them that no the movie is wrong because the book came first. We are definitely comparing the book and the movie as we go along. Plus, there are two movies to think about not just one. We average about 3 chapters a day with a 4th being assigned to them to read on their own or in partners. I have the story mapped out for us to finish on Wednesday the 26th. I plan to have them watch the 1970's version of the movie on the last day in the morning. If anyone would like to supply popcorn for our movie watching I would not be opposed to that, just contact me first. I am not a huge fan of the newest version of this movie. They say it is more like the book but I would disagree with that statement. Tim Burton movies are all so "dark". The 1970's movie is so happy and fun. We are looking forward to watching it. I hope I find it streaming somewhere otherwise we will have to watch it on the TV using a DVD/VCR tape. The skills we are working on during this story are all review. They are all things we have learned throughout the year like: nouns, verbs, adjectives, plural nouns, proper nouns, verb tenses and contractions. They keep saying how easy things are and I keep reminding them it is because it is all review. There favorite is when they are asked to draw. They have drawn the chocolate factory and next they will have to draw Willy Wonka. I hope they are talking about the book at home with you.
Math - We have finished division this week. The tests are complete. On Friday, we are going to begin work in chapter 12 on Measurement. We will explore units of length, units of weight, units of liquid and units of time. That is one lesson a day until the end. They will still have worksheets to do with these lessons. I am sure they will not be happy because I am teaching and giving homework right up to the end. This is a standard and benchmark that needs covered so we are doing what we are suppose to be doing. This is getting in one more standard then normal. YAY for us.
Social Studies - We are working very hard to finish things up in Social Studies. The kids will take a map test on Friday over the Southwest which is only 4 states. On Friday I will get them the map of the West so they can try to study it. I hope to get one of those tests in like on Tuesday. They will take the map test over all 50 states on Wednesday. So please be sure they go back and study the regions we have already studied. The test will have a map of the U.S. and each state is numbered. They will look at number one and write down the state and capital. They will do this for all 50. The standard is that they can label all 50 states and capitals. So this is the "big" last test they will take for me. Again please be sure you begin studying over the weekend. We will also be reading about the climate and resources of the West before the end of the year. I am also trying very hard to get in all the states in their interactive notebooks. I have a bad feeling we are going to be short a few. I will send the copies home with them so they can finish over the summer if they choose. But I also may hand them out and have them watch the "Charlie" movie and do states at the same time. We will see how far we get.
Spirit Day - Tomorrow is our last Spirit Day of the year. The kids can pay $1.00 to wear sweats or a hat! It is our last one so everyone participate!
Wednesday Mat 26th - We will have Mass at (:15 as usual this mass will be a little longer because we honor the 8th graders, the middle school who were in sports, and any teachers that will be leaving us. When that is done Father will then be duck taped to the wall. Most classes will watch this event online as can you. If your student raised enough money to put duck tape on Father they will dismissed at the appropriate time to go to the gym and do their part.
Please send an extra strong bag or even an extra bag with your kids for this day. We will clean out our desks and take all the things home that belong to them. They will not need anything on the last day but themselves and their lunch.
Last Day - May 27th is our last day of school! We will begin the day with our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. We will watch part of it then take a quick break and then finish it. If we still have time in the morning I may throw a quiz at them over the book. It is just one page long and would be easy since we have read the book and watched the movie. I will only do this if I need to fill in some time. The students need to be sure and bring a sack lunch on the last day. We will eat from 12:00 - 12:30 that day. We will just eat as a class. We may picnic lunch outside if the weather cooperates and things aren't too wet. Field day will happen in the afternoon. It will take place at 12:45 until they are done. At 3:50 we will have the clap out for the 8th graders. They will leave their room in the middle school and walk to the door at Mrs. Levine's room as the other classes line the halls and clap for them. It is a cool tradition we started a while ago. This will conclude our day and then I will send the kids home to you for the entire summer!!!
I will be sending home take home folders Friday instead of Thursday due to my absence.
I have truly enjoyed having your child in my room this year, and I am very thankful that I still have the privilege of teaching them next year for 5th grade social studies. This is a unique class for their size, and how much they like to talk. I know there were times I had to be tough on them. I would do it again. This class is so much like siblings because of their class size, but right now they are acting a lot like siblings. All students get this way at the end of the year. They are excited about summer coming and moving on to a new grade. They all need the break summer gives them away from each other. I hope they will get a chance to hang out over the summer. I hope I bump into them at some point over the summer. I will miss them! I am happy we were face-to-face all school year. We all made it through November when many of us had COVID. We survived learning online, me teaching from home during my quarantine, and mask wearing. I will admit it is wonderful to see their smiling faces everyday. I wish you all the best over the summer! I hope you take a fabulous family trip somewhere.
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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