Happy Thursday and Merry Christmas! What a fun week we have had. We have completed some pretty important things this week and also had some fun. I hope all of you have a great Christmas break. I am looking forward to having all of my children under the same roof for a while. Also, I will be attending ISU Graduation ceremonies tomorrow. My daughter Josie will graduate tomorrow with a degree in Family and Consumer Sciences. She has her application in at two places right now. One being Habitat for Humanity where she did her internship and loved it there. The other is a Learning Consultant with Alpha Gamma Delta. She has made it to the 3rd step in the process (whew). She will be flown to Indianapolis, Indiana for a face to face interview. She all ready passed the Skype interview process. This is super exciting. This job would require her to travel. She will be super happy with either position so of course we have been praying about it. So again I will enjoy having all three in my house at once for a while. Kids really do grow up very quickly. Enjoy these days!!
Language Arts - This week the students got into partners, we rolled dice to pick a character, conflict, and setting. They then had to wright a story using these elements. They had some fun doing this. I hope to get to share those stories at some point today. If not we will definitely share the first of the year when we return. We had Cuddle-Up and Read day also. It was successful. I hope they all remembered to add 60 min to their Book It Calendars for that day. It is always refreshing to see the kids just read a good book. I read with them. My book got so good I read right through my prep period. This is my favorite event of the year and most of the students love this day also.
Math - We finished up chapter 2. We did a dress rehearsal on the test. I gave them back with scores. We then went over each problem on the test and how to work it. I talked to them about the need to show their work. They took the test on Tuesday, corrected on Wednesday and they will see their scores today. I will pass out they dress rehearsal and final test so they can compare their scores and we can talk about what they could do differently. In all honestly the dress rehearsal was very beneficial to all of them. I plan to do this again!! We will begin chapter 3 when we get back from break. This will be over double-digit multiplication.
Social Studies - This week they put Maryland into their notebooks and took their first Map test over the Northeast Region. This test was not very good. There were several students that chose not to study. This is very important that they learn the regions one at a time. At the end of the year we will take a test over the entire 50 states and capitals. I try to get them to learn a region at a time to make this process easier for them. This is a required standard that they will be graded over. We will take another Map test when we return. I will give the kids a week to study for it. There were some students that did very well. You will find the test in their folders today. The students also watched the Geography Bee finals in the gym on Wednesday. This is always a fun event. Denton Lane was our winner this year. He will take a test and see if he makes it to the state competition. We have had student in the past make it to the next level which is very exciting.
Christmas Gifts - I am have been overwhelmed with the generosity of the students. They have gotten me such sweet and thoughtful gifts. I love all of them. I give the students a written thank you but not sure the parents always see those. So, thank you so very much for your thoughtful gifts. The smiles on your children's faces when I open the gifts is my favorite part. I received 3 different Harry Potter items this year. I also can't wait to go book shopping at Barnes and Noble. Shopping for a good book is great fun.
Christmas Break - This break starts tomorrow December 20th and ends January 2nd. The students will resume classes on Thursday, January 2, 2020. I look forward to seeing them after the long break. I will miss each and every one of them.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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