Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday! It is the 2nd week of Advent!! We are down to 12 days before Christmas. The kids have been really good. I am very happy with their behavior and hard work this week. I know this time of year can be very exciting for them and they are going about the days normally. I have my first family Christmas this weekend. One night I host everyone at my house and I feel like I have been a little crazy but not sure the students have noticed, yet! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Language Arts - We are reading a story called The Earth Dragon Awakes. It is a story about a father and son living in Chinatown in San Francisco and they experience the 1906 earthquake that took place there. They live in a tenement building and it collapses with them in it. They are buried in the rubble. It is kind of a scary story. It may bring fear in some of the kids. I know I was fearful reading it. They are rescued in the end so it was a happy ending. We are talking about Possessive nouns this week. They are learning proper rules to adding 's or just the ' if it has the "s" all ready. The vocabulary strategy this week was on synonyms. This is just a review for them because i have them find synonyms for their vocabulary words each week. We will have our end of week test tomorrow and post test for spelling. You will find the results for the last couple of weeks assessments in today's folder.
Math - This week we have been busy. We have taken chapter 2 test. We have begun the pretest for chapter 3. The students will make corrections on their tests today. I will give final score and I will send them home next week to be signed and returned. Chapter 3 is over double digit multiplication. This chapter will take the strategies they learned in chapter 2 and apply them to 2-digits. They will pick it up rather quickly. We will put in some "fun Christmas" math next week to lighten the load a little bit. We are progressing very nicely through our studies. Keep up the good work.
Social Studies - We are working through chapter 5. We took our first Map Test this week. It is very important the students do well on these so they prepare themselves for the end of year test over all 50 states and capitals. Some did not do so well. I hope to send those results today but not sure that will happen. I like to keep the test in their binders so I can refer back to them but I will report results to you in some way. I hope to finish putting states of the Northeast in the interactive notebooks by Christmas. I also hope to have another map test next week before break.
Friday, December 21 - Next Friday is our last day before Christmas break. I just want you to know what that day will look like. Students will start their day in music like normal. When they return at 8:50 we will do Language Arts to finish up our story for the week. When that is finished we will have a small Christmas party. It is Melanie's birthday so she is providing us with a treat that day. I haven't decided which we will do but normally I have the students bring in their favorite board games and we play games and enjoy each other's company. We could also show a movie. I think I will talk to the kids and see what they want to do to celebrate. I love playing games. It is nice to show them that you can still have a good time playing board games instead of playing video games. I may start with BINGO and give prizes! At 11:30 they will meet their Advent Angel and eat lunch, following will be Christmas Caroling in the gym at 12:15-12:45. Students are dismissed at 1:10 that day. You are very welcome to come to the classroom around 10:30 and join us for our fun activities and also caroling. If a grandparent wants to come in and spend the morning that is fine too. I just want to make the sense of "family" known with the students. I want them to enjoy each other family style before the holiday. Students will need to bring a sack lunch but milk will be provided. Also students are encouraged to wear festive clothes for Christmas. It is also a spirit day that day!
Geography Bee - The finals for the Geography Bee will be held next Wednesday the 19th after mass. It will begin at 10:15. Baret, Rhett and Jace from 4th grade all made it into the finals. We wish them luck. Anyone is welcome to attend the finals to support. This will be held in the gym.
I hope you are all getting your shopping done! Mine is finished. I get to wrap now. Safe travels to anyone doing any traveling over the this month.
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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