Thursday, January 25, 2018

Dear Parents,
     Happy Thursday!  Wow, are we all excited for next week?  It is Catholic Schools Week!  We have a lot going on!  I am excited about it and I hope the flu stays away so everyone is here all week next week!  Please see below for all the activities that will be happening.

Catholic Schools Week January 28 - Feb 2

Sunday--   Mass at Church put on by students
                 PTO breakfast following Mass

Monday--This is Sweats/PJ day
                Staff luncheon at A&G  Parent volunteers needed
                Students bring sack lunch( milk provided)

Tuesday-- Tourist Tuesday dress as a tourist
                Movie  Wonder at theater at 9:00
                Student vs. Teachers activities in the afternoon

Wednesday--  America/Superhero Day
                Chamber Coffee at 9:00 
                Valentines cards for our military and Nursing homes in afternoon

Thursday--  Blue and Gold Day or St. Malachy gear
                  Field trip to Skate South leave 8:30 return 2:30
                  Bring sack lunch plus drink

Friday --    Dress up day
                 Grandparents/Special Guest Mass at church 1:30  reception to follow

What a week!  Time to celebrate and be proud of our school!!

Language Arts -  This week we are reading Riding Freedom which is about a female disguising herself to do a man' job, stagecoach driver.  She is injured and has lost sight of one eye.  She works hard to prove that she can still do the job and succeeds.  All the while thinks she is a man.  We have been working on adjectives in grammar.  The vocabulary strategy we talked about was figurative language.  We talked about similes, metaphors, idioms, and adages and proverbs.  Some of these are very easy for the students to get but adages and proverbs are harder for them.  Tomorrow is our end of week testing day.  Please be sure they study their vocab and spelling words.  We will not be covering a story next week because we will only have 3 days of language arts class.  There are other things we can do at this time.

Math -  We are looking at taking a test next week in math.  Yes, I know, next week? It will be fine.  We are will be finishing up the last lesson today and tomorrow, then we will review next week.  We actually only have have Monday, a little on Wednesday and then Friday.  Maybe I will just spend the week reviewing with them and having them practice problems and test the following week.  We will see how that goes.

Social Studies - We are working on getting states in our interactive notebooks and covering the chapter.  We will be finished with lesson 2 this week.  Next week since we only have a few days of social studies we will work on getting some states into our notebooks.  I think we have 3 done all ready and next week I hope to get 3-4 in.  We have a total of 12 states that we need to get in.  We are still practicing our states and capitals song, and will begin practicing our southeast states on a map so we can take a map test.  This are very important for the students to study and learn because at the end of the year they will take a test over the whole 50 states.  They will have to label a map and also list the capital. Learning a region at a time is better for them.  Some didn't get their Northeast States mastered so they need to work harder on this region.

Our class has been pretty lucky to not have much of the flu.  I have only really had 2 gone with symptoms. I am praying they don't get hit next week. Remember to wash hands all the time, steer clear of those exhibiting symptoms.  I myself, do not want to be sick next week.

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dear Parents,
      Happy Thursday!  Looks like we are in for a warm up tomorrow.  As nice as it is, everything will be melty and gross.  I hate it when it thaws a little and slush is everywhere. It doesn't make for good recess outside either.  When we go out and it is just too wet we usually stay in the courtyard and only on the cement.  Some kids want to be on the ground all the time and end up soaked, even if they have snow pants on.  Being wet for the whole afternoon is not any fun.  I know the kids think, "I hate rule" when it comes to recess but we really do make them for their benefit. Yesterday the feels like temp was 0 and I took them out.  It really wasn't bad at all. I rather enjoyed some fresh chilly air.  The kids all were very busy enjoying it also.  Today may be okay but tomorrow not so much.  Those who are not bringing boots still have to stand along the wall so they don't get their shoes wet and have wet cold feet all day.  Please be sure your child takes them to school so they can run around.

Language Arts -  This week we finished the week 15 story and end of week assessment.  We then moved on to the Unit 3 Benchmark Test.  We will finish it up tomorrow.  The last section we have to finish is the Revising and Editing section with deals with all the grammar we talked about in Unit 3.  The students have done a pretty good job, I feel, of taking their time on this test.  I hope the test results reflect this as well.  We have done some read aloud and some have had some time to read their book report books. I am working on a rubric for the students to look at while they complete the Character Sketchbook.  This helps them see exactly how I am going to look at their project and score it.  They can then double check that they think they are getting the number of points that they want.  I will have it finished by Monday for sure.

Math -  Because of the crazy late start on Tuesday and the Unit 3 testing I feel like we haven't done much math this week.  We will be working on learning the standard algorithm for Multiplication over the next few days.  This is the strategy that you and I learned as a kid.  When we were told there was only one way to work problems.  Such a shame that we   were told that.  I know I would have done better in math if I could have learned these strategies.  These strategies have been around a long time, we have just never really found it necessary to teach them. I am happy to do it so they can pick a strategy that is easiest for  them to catch on to.  We are  only have about 3-4 more lessons in this chapter and then we will test.  Because we have spent our time learning so much in chapter 2 and 3 I move on to Chapter 13 which is a fun chapter on Perimeter and Area.  We do some fun relaxing hands on activities with this chapter and practice our multiplication skills.

Social Studies - We have started on chapter 6.  We have worked on some vocabulary words, read a few pages in the first lesson which deal with the lay of the land.  We talked about the coast or shoreline and how it's elevation is 0 feet and why.  Then we discussed the Outer Coastal Plain, Inner Coastal Plain and Barrier Islands.  Tomorrow we will add the Piedmont Region and Appalachian Mountains.  They are also working on Georgia their first state in the Southeast to enter the Union.  We have a lot of different things going on.  They seemed a little excited to get a state to put into their interactive notebooks.  

Coin Wars -  The FBLA Coin Wars begin next week and go all week.  The class is asked to bring in change to put in out class container.  The class at St. Malachy that raises the most will get a pizza party and the 2nd place class gets a cookie party.  My class has had a cookie party before.  The money they are raising, goes to the Honor Flights.  There are currently 17 gentlemen in Creston  who are looking to take a trip to Washington DC to see the Memorials for all our wars.  It costs about $750 per person to go.  The FBLA is trying to help relieve some of the financial burden that this can be on some of the Veterans. What a great way to pay tribute to our local Veterans.  Send in some money if you can!

Catholic Schools Week is coming.  We have sent home the lay out of the week.  I will lay it out day by day next week in my blog.  If you have any questions just ask.

Auction Item - Yes it is that time of year again. This year is a little different for the class baskets.  The 3-5 grade classes will be putting together one basket for our grade band.  The homeroom mom's are taking control and making this happen.  You will get information today on the basket.  They have decided to put together a Gardening Basket.  Please send any monetary donations or items to school with your child.  I will be sure to get the items to the necessary people. If you are writing a check please do NOT make it to St. Malachy School.  The only one to cash that is Kim and we don't want an influx of checks coming in for her to cash.  Make the check payable to me or Calista Purdum.  Thank you!  They have some great ideas on the list but if you have anymore ideas please feel free to send whatever you want to help make our basket special.  I will try to keep an updated list each week of any items we receive.  Thanks.  Danielle Steele, Jennifer Simmons and I will be getting together to plan a silent auction item for the class to create.  I will let you know what that is when we make a decision.

Spirit Day is tomorrow!  Bring a $1 to wear sweats and be comfy!  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I am running to Des Moines to see a movie with some friends.  We read the books and are looking forward to the movie. 

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Dear Parents,
    Happy Thursday and Happy Snow Day!!!  I definitely did not expect this but ice can be a scary thing for a bus full of kids and high school kids driving.  I am happy the decision was made.  Also, we have had the flu hit school, so it gives everyone a day at home to rest and maybe stay away from illness or another day at home to help get over their illness.  Please refer to our illness policy in the handbook which talks about students being fever free, vomit or diarrhea free for 24 hours before you return to school. I know you have jobs to be at, but we can help limit the spread of the virus if you are not in the building.  We have been disinfecting desks, doorknobs, and bathrooms to try and help.  I hate  this time of year called flu season.  

Language Arts -  This week we are reading the last story in Unit 3.  It is called Ecology for Kids.  It talks about the science of ecology, what it studies and what it means to us.  It talks about ways in which we can help to save the environment.  It is not the most interesting but it is informational.  In spelling, we are working on words that change the y at the end to an i and add -ed, -s, -er, or -est.  This is a topic we have discussed before and now they get to apply what they know.  It was a tough list for some.  Grammar we are talking about irregular verbs, past tense verbs, and using the "be" verb.  We also talked about context clues for multiple meaning words.  I was able to give some real life talk about using context clues.  I am reading a book called "Lilac Girls", it is a book about World War II, and I find myself looking up the definition of many words.  Yes, the context usually helps me to understand but I feel to truly understand it I have to know exactly what the word means.  That is just me.  I talked about how I look them up.  They can't believe I do that as an adult.  Next week will be the Unit 3 test!  We will work on reading our book report books and finishing the read aloud book.  I am ready to start a new one.  Let the students know we will be doing Thursday's plans tomorrow and so Tuesday we will do our spelling posttest and end of week test.

Math -  We have focused all week on area model and partial product strategies for double-digit multiplication problems.  They have done a great job.  I have requested they write more than needed to show me that they understand what they are doing.  Our next lesson is actually the Mid Chapter Checkpoint.  The plan was to do it today and check it tomorrow. But I guess it looks like they will be working on it tomorrow. 

Social Studies -  We have finished chapter 5 and taken our test.  Now we are moving onto Chapter 6.  We will be learning the 12 states that make up the region, working on our interactive notebooks, learning their location on a map, and practicing their capitals.  There are 2 chapters that make up the Unit on the Southeast.  I hope to get through it in a decent amount of time.  We still have 3 more regions to get through.  We don't have a ton of interruptions this part of the year but Catholic Schools Week is coming at the end of the month.

Please be sure you child is bringing all necessary items to school for cold weather.  Our temps look to be down low again.  We will go out if the temp or feels like temp is above 0.  Don't try to guess what it will be and decide they don't need to bring their boots and things cause if we go outside it is no fun for those who don't have their warms stuff.  I am enjoying a day at home, mainly reading a good book.

I look forward to seeing your children in the morning! 
 Have a good rest of the day!

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Dear Parents,
     Happy New Year!  Welcome to 2018!!  I am glad we have a short week to ease back into school.  It has been a joy to be back with your children.  I know some of you were ready to send your kids back to school.  I am never fully ready to be here until I am here and the kids are in my room then I am happy to be here.  I missed them.  It was fun to hear about some of the things they did over break, best gift they gave and best gift they received.  The students seemed excited to see one another also.  That makes me smile.  So far these two days have been very good. 

Language Arts -  We will start our 5th story in Unit 3 next week.  This means we will back to our normal routine of spelling tests, a story to read, vocabulary and grammar lessons.  This week we have used the time for reading our book report books, read aloud and some practice testing on fluency.  They have loved the reading time and been completely silent and into their books.

Math - We have covered two lessons all ready since we have returned.  The first one was on estimation.  We worked on estimating double-digit problems.  We used rounding and compatible numbers to work do this.  they picked it up rather quickly. Today we learned how to use the Area Model to work double-digit problems.  This is my favorite lesson.  I love having a visual to show me what I am doing and this one I feel is the best.  The kids have done similar problems so they picked this up quickly also.  They did a few problems in class on their own and now working on the worksheet.  I think all of them feel very confident with this strategy. Woohoo!  We are off to a great start!

Social Studies -  We jumped right into this and covered our last lesson in Chapter 6.  They will start a study guide tomorrow.  We will check it on Monday and then they will test on Tuesday!  We will officially finish the Northeast then.  We will start the Southeast next week!  Back to interactive notebooks and practicing our states and capitals song and locating the region on a map.   They will need to practice the Northeast on a map because they will be tested over states and capitals on this test.  It will be the same thing they have been doing.  Some students need to STUDY!

St. Malachy Trivia Night is schedules for Saturday, January 20th at Crestmoor Golf and Country club.  There are still some table available.  Get your team of 8 signed up!  It's will be a lot of fun!

I hope you are all keeping warm!  Darn this cold weather.  We hope to get the kids outside soon.  They were out for like 5 minutes today.  Please be sure your child comes prepared to go outside every day because we will make the decision right at the time we are scheduled to go outside.  If it is 0 or above we will go outside.  If windchills take it below zero we will not.  Make sure they are prepared to bundle up!

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels