Happy Thursday! Wow, are we all excited for next week? It is Catholic Schools Week! We have a lot going on! I am excited about it and I hope the flu stays away so everyone is here all week next week! Please see below for all the activities that will be happening.
Catholic Schools Week January 28 - Feb 2
Sunday-- Mass at Church put on by students
PTO breakfast following Mass
Monday--This is Sweats/PJ day
Staff luncheon at A&G Parent volunteers needed
Students bring sack lunch( milk provided)
Tuesday-- Tourist Tuesday dress as a tourist
Movie Wonder at theater at 9:00
Student vs. Teachers activities in the afternoon
Wednesday-- America/Superhero Day
Chamber Coffee at 9:00
Valentines cards for our military and Nursing homes in afternoon
Thursday-- Blue and Gold Day or St. Malachy gear
Field trip to Skate South leave 8:30 return 2:30
Bring sack lunch plus drink
Friday -- Dress up day
Grandparents/Special Guest Mass at church 1:30 reception to follow
What a week! Time to celebrate and be proud of our school!!
Language Arts - This week we are reading Riding Freedom which is about a female disguising herself to do a man' job, stagecoach driver. She is injured and has lost sight of one eye. She works hard to prove that she can still do the job and succeeds. All the while thinks she is a man. We have been working on adjectives in grammar. The vocabulary strategy we talked about was figurative language. We talked about similes, metaphors, idioms, and adages and proverbs. Some of these are very easy for the students to get but adages and proverbs are harder for them. Tomorrow is our end of week testing day. Please be sure they study their vocab and spelling words. We will not be covering a story next week because we will only have 3 days of language arts class. There are other things we can do at this time.
Math - We are looking at taking a test next week in math. Yes, I know, next week? It will be fine. We are will be finishing up the last lesson today and tomorrow, then we will review next week. We actually only have have Monday, a little on Wednesday and then Friday. Maybe I will just spend the week reviewing with them and having them practice problems and test the following week. We will see how that goes.
Social Studies - We are working on getting states in our interactive notebooks and covering the chapter. We will be finished with lesson 2 this week. Next week since we only have a few days of social studies we will work on getting some states into our notebooks. I think we have 3 done all ready and next week I hope to get 3-4 in. We have a total of 12 states that we need to get in. We are still practicing our states and capitals song, and will begin practicing our southeast states on a map so we can take a map test. This are very important for the students to study and learn because at the end of the year they will take a test over the whole 50 states. They will have to label a map and also list the capital. Learning a region at a time is better for them. Some didn't get their Northeast States mastered so they need to work harder on this region.
Our class has been pretty lucky to not have much of the flu. I have only really had 2 gone with symptoms. I am praying they don't get hit next week. Remember to wash hands all the time, steer clear of those exhibiting symptoms. I myself, do not want to be sick next week.
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels