Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday!! BRRRRR..... Baby it's cold outside!! Recess in back to being inside. If the temperature including windchill is below 0 we keep the kids inside. Yes, it is nice to get them outside but not to freeze! I have a cupboard full of games that they can play. If you have any board games or card games at home that aren't in use anymore and have all the pieces please think about donating them. I get all mine garage sales mainly. It is always nice to have newer games to add to the mix. Just keep it in mind. Today they were able to play with their electronics during recess time. That is a great thing!! They can donate money to a good cause and get to play with something they enjoy at recess.
NEED!! I need more Kleenex. This has been a very bad year. We just put out the last Kleenex box. If you are at the store and could maybe throw in an extra box for school that would be great. We are still in great need for it. I appreciate any that can be brought in. The sooner the better since the last one is in use. Thank you very very much!!!!
Language Arts - This week has been a test week. We took our Unit 4 test on Monday and Tuesday. We made corrections on the test on Wednesday. I have been busy working on report cards so the scores are not ready to be sent home today. I will send them in next week's folder. I assigned their last book report for the year. They have all the directions and are picking books with more than 180 pages in them. the assignment is a book box or diorama. On Friday this week we are taking the CRS (Constructed Response Supplement) Test. It is a standardized test that we use for assessing students. These score are reported to the state. It is a test of 8 questions. You can't study for it. We just take it. I have told the kids that is what we will be doing on Friday. All the 4th graders throughout the Des Moines Diocese will be taking this test sometime next week. No worries, the 4th graders normally do quite well on it.
Math - We have finished chapter 13 and the students did a nice job on those test. We have now begun Chapter 4 which is on Division. This is a very long chapter with 12 lessons over division. Some of the lessons are a carry over from the Multiplication chapter and so they are finding very easy. We are all ready on lesson 4 of this chapter. I didn't plan on getting as far as I did today, but it was easy for them. It will get more challenging but right now they are loving it because their confidence level is up since it's all very familiar. Next week may become a little more difficult. Keep working on those division facts.
Social Studies - Projects will start coming in tomorrow. I have a cake and a quarter due. Then the rest of the students are next week. We have started talking about history that took place in the Southeast regions and had big impacts on the region. We will be reading about the Civil War this lesson. We only skim the surface of the Civil War. I only talk about some of the fighting and how it ruined some of the cities in the region and how they had to rebuild. We discuss slavery as being one of the issues but not the only issue that led to the Civil War. Most people think that is the only reason. We all know how big the topic of slavery can be, but again we just skim the surface. Keep practicing those maps of the Southeast region.
Conferences - Keep in mind the conference schedule is on the St. Malachy website. Please, go on and double check the time you are scheduled for and be sure it still works. If not give the office a call and she can see about making some changes. If nothing works than you will need to contact me to see what I can do to meet with you. All conferences need to be completed by that Thursday. Thank you!
I hope all of you have a great weekend!! Hope to see you all at the St. Malachy Foundation Gala!!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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