Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday! I think our weather is turning into the kind we want to have. It is much more pleasant to arrive for early morning bus duty with the shine shining then to have it still be dark. I have duty this week. I usually arrive anywhere from 7:00 - 7:10. Seven weeks ago it was dark and dreary as I arrived. This week it has been bright and sunny. Sure makes for a better mindset to my day. We have been working very hard this month. I feel we have accomplished a lot. I am also sitting here thinking, "Wow, it is Lent season already!" This to me means we are on the downhill slide of school. That just seems crazy to me.
Language Arts - This week we are reading a story called The Right Dog for the Job. It is narrative nonfiction. It is about the life of a service dog. It talks about what a service dog goes through from the time they are born until they become a service dog. It really is very interesting. This is one of those stories that is interesting the first time we read it but not so much after that. Our grammar this week has been over adverbs. We are learning that adverbs describe verbs and can answer the questions, how, when, where, and how often. The vocabulary strategy for this week was on the siffixes: tion, ation, ition. Tomorrow will be a normal Friday with a spelling post test and end of the week test. Please be sure your child studies their spelling words and vocab packet tonight.
Next week we have our field trip on Friday so we will have a short week in Language Arts. We will have to cover the story in 4 days. Spelling pretest will be on Monday with a post test on Thursday. Also the end of week test will be on Thursday.
Math - We have begun chapter 13 this week. We have talked about perimeter. They learned that there is a formula to use to figure out perimeter. This formula is: P = (2 X L) + (2 X W). This is the formula for rectangles. I showed them the formula for a square also: P = 4 X S (side). They were given the option of using either formula for the square. Some did not like the fact that I made them show the formula but I tried to explain to them how Algebra works and what an Algebra teacher would expect of them. I told them I am only trying to make them better and be more prepared for those harder math classes. They will thank me one day. We will begin talking about area today. To explain both of these concepts and understand the difference between the two, I use the tiles on the floor. The are 1 foot square tiles. I show them with a ruler how I know that and then I counted the tiles down each side of the room to find the perimeter. I will use that same strategy to show the area. Actually seeing the tiles will help them understand why we label with square units.
Social Studies - Tomorrow is the first map test over the Southeast States. I have been warning the kids for a week that it was coming. I hope they are all taking the time to study. I think some definitely are because they asked for more practice maps. I hope to have a much better percentage of passing than the last time. We have been working on putting states in their notebooks. They have done 3 this week. We only have one left to go. We will also begin working on a map skill using map scale. The students will have to use the map scale on the page to find distance. This can be a challenging thing for 4th graders, but it is a very important skill to know.
Field Trip - Next Friday we will be going on a field trip. The field trip is for 3rd-8th graders. We will be going to the Civic Center. Please be sure to send a sack lunch with your student. Remember that we are now honoring meatless Fridays, so please make your sack lunch a meatless lunch. I have 3 students who have not turned in their permission form or their money for the field trip. I also have 4-5 that have turned in the permission forms but not their money. Please send them with them ASAP. The fee is for the bus ride. The student ticket into the performance is paid.
St. Malachy Foundation Gala - The Gala is Saturday night. If you have not purchased your ticket stop by the school. It is a wonderful prime rib dinner and all sorts of fun. I hope to see you there.
Conferences - It is that time of year. I have several of you signed up for a conference time but I am missing a lot of you also. Please use this link to sign up for a conference spot. I am looking forward to visiting with all of you.
Thank you very much again for all your donations to the silent auction item and the live auction basket. I am hoping both will be very successful for the foundation this weekend.
Sounds like the weather will be awesome this weekend. I hope everyone can get out and enjoy it. I know I will on Saturday for sure. Sunday I will be in Omaha at a dance competition with Molly. We will enjoy what we can before we have to be in a building. It is hard to believe it is already March!! Spring break is coming very quickly.
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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