Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday!! A full week! I am not sure we know how to go to school for a full week! This is the 2nd full week of the year. We have gotten a lot done since we have started. The kids are getting used to a 4th grade routine. They really are doing a great job settling in and doing what they need to do. I was worried in the beginning but they just all of a sudden, "Got it". Things are going much smoother for us now. There are a few behaviors I am still struggling with, but we are trying to work on them. Some forget quicker than others that this is their job. They are here to learn like parents go to work.
I sure hope fall is here to stay! I love this cooler weather! My favorite is shutting the air off and opening the windows. My allergies may not like it all the time but fresh air is so nice. I will say I am not fond of the winter weather happening in the Northwest. Don't get me wrong, you will learn I am a "winter girl". I love winter, the cold and snow, but I am not ready for it yet. I can stay away until December. In December, January, and February bring it on. I saw a post of Facebook yesterday that Christmas was three months away! Have you done any shopping? I did order some things and they arrived on Monday. This might the earliest I have ever done that. Hard to believe it's that close.
Language Arts - This week we are reading a story called "My Librarian is a Camel". It is an interesting story about children who don't have access to books and how they get them. I tried to show how lucky they were to have books at their fingertips. I tried to show how others are very lucky to even see a book, let alone hold and read it. I feel like they didn't really believe me. (LOL) They read about books being delivered through the mail, by camel, by elephant, by wagon, by boat and a minibus. The story as a whole was interesting but then they added in more detailed information about the country which they did not like. I totally understand their feelings. I do not expect great scores on this week's end of the week test. The scores tend to drop on this story. Please know it has to do with their interest in the story. Also, their grammar will be low. We worked on Quotations this week. There is no fun way to teach this. They didn't do very well on Tuesday's worksheet. I talked a lot about it today and we covered the worksheet together to help them get a better of idea of using them. Our vocabulary strategy this week was on Context Clues. I tried to explain to them what I do when I don't know a word. I go back and reread the sentence before, the sentence containing the word, and the sentence behind to try and figure it out. If I am still unsure, I look it up on my phone. I think they were shocked I actually look it up, but I really do. I was looking up kinds of flowers the other night because they were in the book I am reading. I am glad I did because then I could see colors and shapes and get an idea of what the garden looked like. Which I felt was important to understanding my story. I try to share with them my reading experiences daily. Tomorrow is the spelling post test and end of the week test. Be sure they are looking at their spelling words and also the yellow vocabulary packet. That is a given 5 questions if they study those.
Math - We have done a review this week, and taken a basic fact test. You will find the math fact test in today's folder. It was over multiplication. I gave them 15 minutes to complete the test. I hope to help them get better at this throughout the year. We will begin one of the hardest lessons to teach today. It is on renaming numbers. If they understand our base ten blocks and how they work, they will do fine. I use the base ten blocks to teach this lesson. I tend to spend 2 full days on this lesson so they get it, but it still is difficult for them. Next week we will work through the rest of the chapter and will be looking at our first test in that following week. Only 4 lessons to go.
Social Studies - This week we talked about government. We discussed the three levels and three branches. We talked about what each branch's job is and who leads it. They created a chart in their notebooks that covered the three branches. We also are working on Time Zone Maps for our map skill. I gave them a time zone map and they colored in the zones. Then they are to work on a worksheet which gives them a time in one city and asks them what time it is in another. I showed them how the map works. When we move from east to west we subtract an hour per time zone and when we move west to east we add an hour per time zone. They have this for homework tonight. Some came to me and we went over the first one together so they understood. I am super happy with the kids who are finally coming out of their shell and willing to ask me for help. Everyday I push for them to ask me. I want to help them.
Friday, September 27th! This is a Spirit Day! The kids can pay $1.00 to sweats and a hat. The $1.00 gets you both. Please remember the dollar you donate is going towards our very own St. Malachy families. So even if they don't want to wear either maybe we could send a $1.00 anyways.
I wanted to let you know, if you have not seen anything, Sadie Morgan in 5th grade. lost her father on Monday to Cancer. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Also, the celebration of life services are Saturday morning. They will greet friends from 9:00-10:00 then the memorial service will be at 10:00.
Last weekend was my class reunion. I was busy with old friends all weekend. I had a fabulous time. This weekend I hope to relax and get some things done around the house. I am reading a good book right now so maybe a little time to finish the book would be great too. I hope all of you enjoy doing what you love this weekend.
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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