Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday! I hope you are all having a great week! The weather has turned chilly and looks to remain that way. It is November so we should expect it. I hope everyone has dug out their winter coats, hats and mittens. Looks to be a cold one tomorrow at recess. Please be sure your child brings their coats so they can enjoy recess. It's not much fun when you are freezing. Also remember, if your child is not feeling well, and running a low fever, please keep them at home until they are fever free for 24 hours! If we send your child home at 10:00 in the morning with a fever, we should not see your child back at school until after 10:00 the next day. We are trying to help prevent the spread of illness. We won't be able to do that but we try to take precaution. I will also really start pushing for the hand washing and use of germ-x! I am trying to watch out for all of you! We have had great attendance so far. Today, we have a student gone due to illness but we haven't had very many at all. That is a good thing!
Language Arts - This week we are reading a story called Jose`! Born to Dance. This is a biography about a famous dancer Jose` Limon. No, the students are not very interested in this story. I like the way it reads but it is considered nonfiction so the kids are not responding well. It tells some of the struggles his family faced as he was a child and how he overcame and went on to dance. We have talked about Author's purpose this week and why Author's write stories and also that they may have more than one reason to write something. Pronouns have been our focus in grammar. They learned there are 5 different groups of pronouns: subject, object, possessive, reflexive, and demonstrative. I only had to cover 3 groups but we did talk about all five. We also learned about an antecedent, which is what the pronoun is replacing or what noun the pronoun stands for. Remember that all vocabulary for this week are on Quizlet. Our spelling post test and end of week test are tomorrow as normal.
Math - This week we have started working our way into some new strategies for multiplying. These strategies work very well and the students understand what they are doing. They are realizing that they are learning to multiply very slowly. Some are struggling with basic facts but understanding the processes that I am teaching them. We focused on using expanded form, which we learned in chapter 1, to multiply. It makes it pretty easy. The amount of writing they do is more than what they want but it really gives them the beginning foundation of how multiplication really works. Keep in mind we are only working on single digit multiplication. But I also know they pick up on double-digit quicker due to what we are learning now! I hope they keep up the good work.
Social Studies - Yes, we have a test tomorrow. We have worked on the study guide and corrected it. Their vocabulary words are in their packets and also on Quizlet so they can study. Some of them have been working on them on Quizlet for a while. This test is mainly matching, multiple choice and 2 quick essay questions. I hope to give them a few minutes to study with a partner today in class. Chapter 5 also focuses on the Northeast Region. We have a lot to finish. We have states to put into the interactive notebook and start working on our states and capitals. I have a song we will use to help them with that. It is called States and Capitals song by Macho Nacho. It is on itunes and last I knew it was free. I will give them a copy of the lyrics and we will start singing almost every day in class. We will also work on locating all states on a map of the Northeast. Lots of work to finish off this region before we move on to the Southeast.
STEM NIGHT! Remember that STEM night is tonight from 5:30-7:30 in the gym. It is a great time, hope to see you all there.
Appreciation Dinner - The Food Pantry is putting on a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner this Saturday night 5-7 in the O'Riley Center. You received an invitation last week in the folder for this event. All our students 3-5 and their families are invited since we go down and help unload the truck on Fridays. It sounds like it will be an excellent meal. I hope some of you can attend.
November 16 - 17 - I am just letting you know that I will be gone next Thursday and Friday. I am attending NCYC (National Catholic Youth Council) in Indianapolis with the High School Youth Group. It is a great opportunity for me to be with the students as they attend sessions to better their knowledge and relationship with God. I am looking forward to the trip and all that I will see. Please pray for us on our travels. I will be back the next Monday. Mrs. Bearden will be in the room with them.
The High School is putting on the musical The Wedding Singer this weekend. This is the first time I have had a child participate in a musical and I am excited about it. I had to dress her in 80's costumes and do her hair in 80's style. I am a pro at that since I lived that era! I almost forgot how to use a curling iron! I did have to go buy one that was more like what I used to use. They will perform the show Friday at 7:00, Saturday at 7:00 and Sunday at 2:00. This is where I will be all weekend!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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