Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday!!! What a very nice Thursday it is. Weather is great but "Hello" it's Thanksgiving time I want the cold. I am ready for some winter weather. I am a winter person! Just not feeling the "Season" with these summer like temps! Monday, the 28th we are having our celebration lunch for Nate and T.J. Frey. The Frey family provides pizza for the whole school because it was one of the boys favorite things to eat. I will discuss with the kids the importance of the day and the meaning of it. I want them to know this is more than just a pizza day. Also this year has some significance because T.J. would be in 8th grade and graduating with his class in May. For this class it may be difficult because they will not get this celebration anymore. I am expecting some tears that day. Please help them understand.
Language Arts - This week has been a Unit test week. Watch Power School for the results from this test. I will link standards/benchmarks to it so you can see how they did concerning Iowa Core. Next week due to a short week we will not start a new story in Unit 3. We will do that when we return from Thanksgiving Break. Tuesday I will hold my annual "Cuddle Up and Read" day. On Tuesday your child may bring a blanket, pillow, and stuffed animal to school. They don't HAVE to bring anything but are welcome to bring all three or any combination of the three. They will spend an entire hour laying on the floor reading a chapter book to themselves. It is 60 minutes of Book it minutes for them!! The kids love this day and get very excited. I love this day also. I will read with them for the hour. I try to read during DEAR time when we have it during the week. I like to model reading for them. I usually bring in my reading experiences to them when talking about new skills. I love showing them the fun of reading.
Math - We are ending chapter 2!! We will start reviewing today and will take the test next week. What a great way to head off to Thanksgiving break. We will start a brand new chapter when we return. Chapter 3 is also on Multiplication but moving to double digit multiplication. We learn the same strategies just with a bigger number. I am looking forward to getting into that chapter because the kids feel so much like big people learning big multiplication. After chapter 3 we will skip back to chapter 13 and work on perimeter and area. This is a fun chapter because I have them explore the building and measure items and fine perimeter and area. Some of the students are all ready working on this in their ST Math on the computer so it will be review and good hands on activity for them. This class does a great job paying attention so we can move in Math class.
Social Studies - The students started their study guides today for Chapter 3. We will check it tomorrow and take the test on Monday. Tuesday they will make corrections. Great way to finish before break! We will begin Chapter 4 which is over the Northeast Region when we return. I will also go over the projects with them. We will assign the first project and it will be due after Christmas. When we discuss each region separately we learn about Native Americans who were there, resources in the region and usually landforms and some climate. All of these help to show them how they are divided into regions. This is actually when they really start to enjoy social studies. We will also begin singing our States and Capitals song. This can be found for free on Itunes. It is States and Capitals song by Macho Nacho. When working on a region we will also work on maps to help us learn where they states are located. On their tests they will be asked to label a map with the states from the region we are working on. You can help by sharing maps with them at home or pulling some up on the computer for them to practice with. I think there is an app for ipod and iphone on states and locating them. Stack the States is one of them. If you just search geography of United States you will get some good apps to help them.
Geography Bee The preliminary round for the geography bee is on Monday. The 4th - 8th graders are split up between 3 rooms with 2 teachers in each room. They are asked 7 rounds of questions from the National Geography Bee competition. The top 10 with most questions answered correctly will advance to our Final round which will be held December 14th following Mass. At this time we will determine a winner. I have had 4th graders in the past make it to the final rounds. It is very exciting when that happens.
Mass and Reception- The 4th graders have Mass on November 30th. Following mass on this day we would like to invite any family members to stay after mass and share donuts and juice. Hope to see you there!
I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving Break! If you are traveling I hope you are safe. My family will be traveling to Chicago as we do every year. We have a great time with family and do some shopping for Christmas. Black Friday in the Chicago Area is not a big deal like it is around here so places are not that crowded. If we traveled downtown to see Macy's and it's windows, that would be crowded!! We have done that in the past but not this year!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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