Happy Thursday!! Well, we got our "Snow Day" this week! I guess pajama day was meant to be pajama day at home. I know some kids are disappointed that they couldn't wear them to school. This is a very busy week! We are enjoying all the fun! I am trying to get photos everyday! If you are not friends with me on Facebook, make it happen because I am posting all pictures there. The St. Malachy page always shares the photos from the day too. This year I feel we have prepared some great activities. The Living Rosary we will be doing on Friday morning, very cool! It is great we are celebrating our Catholic Identity this week. We also included service, by making Valentine's Day cards for servicemen and women and the nursing home! Tomorrow is our dress up day so we look nice for our Grandparents or special guests. WOW what a fabulous week. We have still been working like we normally do just with sprinkles of fun. Valentine's Day is next week!
Valentine's Day Celebration - We will hold our Valentine's Day celebration next Friday the 12th at 2:00. Please be sure your student has a valentine card for everyone in the room. Don't forget Mrs. Thomas!! I am looking for someone to supply a drink and/or a snack for our party. If you are interested please email me, send a text, or send a note. Amy Starlin and Polly Luther have donated for past parties. If your child has candy with their Valentine's cards that is fine but I don't allow them to eat any candy here. We have a snack and a drink so I feel we don't need anymore sugar than that. They will decorate a bag here at school to put their Valentines in and bring them home.
Language Arts - This week we read a story called The Right Dog For the Job. It is a nonfictional story about what a dog goes through to become a service dog. It talks about the training form when it is born to when it gets its first assignment. It is quite incredible the things they teach them. I am not sure the kids are very interested in this story but I was. I learned quite a bit about how the hard work that goes into training a dog. I also felt sad because different people have different roles in the training so the poor dog doesn't have a place to call home for a while. Once it gets used to one place they move on. Grammar this week we have talked about Adverbs. The students learned adverbs describe a verb and answer the questions HOW, WHEN, WHERE. Remember tomorrow is a test day. Be sure your child is looking over their vocabulary words and spelling words.
Math - We haven't had a ton of time for Math this week. We finished up using area boxes to multiply numbers. I heard many kids say they like this strategy. I also love this strategy. I feel they can see their math at work here. They have an understanding of what numbers they are multiplying together. Next lesson is partial product which is same thing as area box just without the picture. So, There is no need to draw the picture. I Iike showing them the connection between the two strategies. Partial Product is a strategy I choose to use over the standard algorithm. Other adults have seen me use this strategy and ask what I am doing. We will start that strategy next week. This chapter is moving along very smoothly.
Social Studies - I apologize, I am not going to get to projects this week. This week is a little busy. Next week I will fit it in for sure! We started a new chapter this week. They are back to doing vocabulary words in a packet this week. They have a lot less vocabulary words this chapter. They are happy about that. Our first lesson begins talking about the geography of the Southeast. The Inner and Outer Coastal Plains, the Piedmont area, Appalachain Mountains, and the Fall Line. They will finish the first lesson tomorrow.
Iowa Energy Game- Here is some information about the field trip.
Tuesday, February 9th
Buses leave at 8:30 am
Buses will back by 2:45 pm
*Wear St. Malachy Gear
*All students will ride on the bus to the event.
*Students may leave with their parents. Students MUST check in with their teacher prior to leaving.
*School lunch is provided
*We will not be purchasing from the concession stands.
*Students should never be without an adult for any reason.
*If you child is not riding the bus home please contact the office by Monday at 3pm to let the school know their travel arrangements.I hope everyone has enjoyed this week! Next week we have a fun week too! On Monday, the 4th graders will be making donuts for the entire school to celebrate Fat Tuesday. Yes, I know it's the day before but that is due to the school field trip on Tuesday to Iowa Energy. The student body would be highly disappointed if they didn't get donuts and the 4th grade would too. So donuts Monday and field trip on Tuesday! Another fun week ! (or at least the beginning of the week is fun.) Have a great weekend!!!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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