Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dear Parents.
     Happy Thursday!!  What a nice day yesterday and hopefully today.  I hope we keep moving in the direction of warm temps and good weather and not back to snow or cold.  Track season is under way and I only like to attend if it's nice.  I am not a fan of being cold watching a track meet.  Our big week of testing is OVER!!  The students were well behaved and did what they were suppose do.  I hope they did their very best!!  We will find out in May!!

Language Arts -  We didn't do much with this subject this week.  We are in the middle of working on writing project.  We are creating an Author Report.  The students chose an author and we generated some questions.  They tried to locate the answers to at least 10 questions.  We also talked about an introductory paragraph.  They were to play around with a couple introductory paragraphs for today.  Next week we will get back into the textbook and it will be a normal week.

Math -  We are still working in the double-digit multiplication chapter.  We have learned the standard algorithm.  Students even worked on a 3 digit number times a double-digit number.  They have truly done an excellent job of learning the multiplication strategies.  I voiced to the students how proud I was on them because they were doing a great job!!  There is not too much left in this chapter and then we will test over it.  That will show me what they really know.  I also feel like they have come a long ways with basic facts.  

Social Studies - We have focused on projects this week.  I have been making sure we get those in before we do anything else.  It's just the kind of week we have going on with tests and all.  We have done a little book work also.  I love listening to the projects.  Sometimes we get a project that someone put a lot of hard work into because it is what interests them and sometimes we just get the bare minimum because that's what interests them.  I still love them all no matter if they are over the top or not.  I enjoy them sharing their knowledge with others.  I feel we are really promoting leadership when students get up in front of others and display knowledge of a topic and share their interests.

God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels

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