Thursday, January 28, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!  WOW! Thursday already!!  This week went super fast.  I guess that is what a major winter storm will do for ya.  This snow day my living room was rearranged.  I am running out of things to rearrange so the snow days can stop.  Tuesday I spent working on my incredibly hard Harry Potter puzzle and reading. Which made for a very enjoyable day for me.

Language Arts -  Well we are on our last story in this unit.  We are doing it very differently thanks to Winter Storm Nathaniel.  We will not have a normal week with a spelling pretest and post test, but we will complete the worksheets that go with the week.  It is covering a pretty important spelling skill.   They are practicing changing the -y to i and then adding -es or -est or -er.  We are working through the grammar pages also this week.  I plan to do the vocab strategy on context clues also.  We read the story today.  They will read with partners tomorrow.  There will be no end of week test this week either. I told the kids this was maybe a blessing for them because the story is okay but not spectacular.  After we read it they agreed.  Next week we will take a Unit test and begin work on a writing activity. Trying to rush things and test them would not be in anyone's best interest so this is where we are at this week.  Also you are going to see the scores of the last two weeks in today's folder.  The grammar section from the last story does not show good scores.  The lesson was not difficult.  You will find written on the score sheet your child's response to the question, "What could you have done to do a better job on this section of the test".  I asked this question after we went over every grammar question on the test.  They had some very honest answers.

Math -  We finished checking the math worksheet we did for practice.  We will go over lesson 3.7. This lesson is on Problem solving.  So we are focusing on word problems.  We will spend Friday working on this.  Next week we will be doing a dress rehearsal and then taking the test.  The next chapter we will cover is Area and Perimeter.  This is a fun chapter.  The kids will actually get to go around the building and do some measuring and figuring of area and perimeter.  Since they get to roam the building they love this chapter.  Plus it is very much real life hands on math.  I talk about different jobs out there that would use these skills everyday.

Social Studies -  They handed in signed test and their vocabulary preview today.  Then we began work on a project for Catholic Schools Week.  Each "wing" is to decorate their hallways with a theme. We are doing "All Around the US"  The kids decorated card board cut-outs of the states today.  We will work on this tomorrow also.  It is a good time to do it since we are just beginning a new chapter.  I may throw in a state for the interactive notebook also.  Next week we will start digging into the chapter.

Book It Calendars -  The end of January is near.  Please be sure to get those calendars signed and turned in next week.  The sooner the better.  I will have a new calendar ready for you on Monday.

Auction -  Thank you so much for the donations I have received so far. Remember you have until Friday, February 5th to make a donation towards our basket and silent auction item.  Dustin and Sam Baird came today and we had a photo shoot for our silent auction item.  We did a group photo, individual photos, and a boys group and girls group.  These pictures will be put on a puzzle.  Such a cool idea.  

Catholic Schools Week - COVID STYLE 

Sunday        January 31           Opening of Catholic Schools Week Mass at Holy Spirit 9:00 AM

Monday        February 1             Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day                         11:45-12:45 Angels will eat sack lunch together   Spirit Day: Google Meet Day (dressed up from the waist up)

Tuesday      February 2            Student Appreciation Day   2:15 - 2:50 Photo Scavenger Hunt with Angels     Spirit Day: State Day (come dressed as a certain state)

Wednesday    February 3           Community Appreciation Day Mass 9:15 - 4th & 5th (5th graders to participate)     2:15 - 2:50 Angels make cards for Nursing Homes        Spirit Day:  Mass Attire : Dress up day

Thursday    February 4             School Appreciation  2:00-2:50 Weather pending - snowman building    Spirit Day:  Tie-Dye Day

Friday        February 5         Grandparents/Special Guest Day   Virtual Grandparents or Special Guest using drone watch for post on Facebook!   Spirit Day:   Camo Day  

Tomorrow is NOT a spirit day, but next week is all a spirit day!  We did the best we could trying to plan things for the kids that were COVID safe.  We are doing a lot with our Advent Angels but it got our group sizes down to smaller numbers.  We have planned some fun things.  

 I hope the weather goes away for the weekend.  I do not want rain or snow.  We hope to Prom dress shop this weekend, weather permitting. Have a fun safe weekend!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels                 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!   I hope everyone enjoyed their snow day last Friday.  I know I did.  I got some things done around the house I had been dreading.  I then used Saturday and Sunday and days to relax.  I spent Friday night in my cousin's cabin west of town which was fun.  I woke up to watching about 6 deer feeding.  I wonder what this weekend will bring.  It looks like some more snow and maybe freezing rain.  We don't need the freezing rain for sure!!

Language Arts -  This week they are reading a story called "The Life and Times of the Ant".   This is a story about the life of ants.  All the hard work they do  and even a look into their nests.  The best part of this story is illustrations that go along with it.  They are cartoon like and very literal.   They just add a little enjoyment to a non fiction story.  We are working on present and past participle for grammar.  These are verbs that end in -ing and -ed.  This is a review for the students.   The vocab strategy was on suffixes, -able and -ible.  We worked on those today in partners.  We are doing this story in 4 days instead of 5.  Tomorrow we will have our post test and end of week test.  Please be sure that the students are studying their yellow packets and spelling words.

Math -  We learned the standard algorithm or regrouping strategy for double-digit multiplication this week.  I feel to really grasp what we are doing we need to spend some time practicing.  They were taught the strategy and practiced just a few problems in their book.  We went over those problems together and worked out some bugs.  Then they did a worksheet with just a few problems on it.  Today I copied a worksheet from my old math series.  They are still practicing this strategy.  They are working on  the odd numbered problems today and then we will check those an do the even ones tomorrow.  I feel like this will be enough practice to really say they can do this skill.  We will then move on to look at the problems and decide which strategy would be beneficial to use with certain problems.  We are getting to the end of this chapter.  We will begin testing soon.  Then our next chapter is a fun one, at least I think so.  I take them to chapter 13 and go over Area and Perimeter.

Social Studies - We have just finished up the Northeast Region.  Today we began introducing the Southeast Region.  There are 12 states in this section.  So they will be learning the location of 12 new states and capitals.  We will also start putting them into our interactive notebooks.  They corrected their tests today and will bring them home over the weekend to be signed.  I told them we would have to pick up the pace a little bit to move through the rest of the year.  

Tomorrow is a Spirit Day!   The temperature is suppose to drop and be cold.  By recess it will only by like 19 and we don't know what the windchill will be like so it's a perfect day to pay the $1.00 and wear sweats!!!  I told them I hoped they enjoyed the last two days because the weekend looks to be very different.

Please be sure to read about our Auction basket in the folder!  I have one donation so far.  We are a long ways from where we need to be.  Also, Sam and Dustin Baird are helping me with the silent auction item.  Remember we need all donations to be in by February 5th so we can get items ordered from our Pampered Chef consultant.  The sooner the donations the better so we have time to decide on items to order.  Thank you for all your support!

Have a great weekend!!

God Bless, 

Mrs. Sickels

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Dear Parents,

     Happy Thursday!!  I am not sure what happened I went to bed last night and everything was just fine.  I wake up to a Blizzard Warning!  What the heck!!  Crazy!   I guess we wait and see but I warning is usually a sure sign.  I hope everyone had a great Christmas Break!  I know I did.  I was not really ready to come back but now that I am here with kids, I am glad to be back!  Honestly, my favorite months are January and February because we get a lot done in these months.  We really don't have any interruptions so we can just work hard.  Catholic Schools Week is a great break in between the months though.  I know not many like this time of year because of the Winter but it is one of my favorite times of  the year.  I will keep them moving academically and hopefully a positive attitude!

Language Arts -  We are back to a normal week of Language Arts this week.  We are reading a story called Antarctic Journal: Four Months at the Bottom of the World.  The author of this story actually researched her topic.  She went and stayed in Antarctica for four months to experience it before she wrote about it.  The students found it very interesting.  They learned a little about Whales eating Krill and that it has no taste and penguins and how they build their nests.  In grammar we are talking about Modal Auxilaries which are words like can, may, might, could, would, should, and must.  We were trying to pay attention on their purpose and how to use them correctly.  These words can be tricky and they are struggling with them.  I will try to make the grammar part of the test a little easier for them.  The vocabulary strategy was on Greek and Latin word parts.  We talked about "spect", "struct", "tele" and "vis".  We talked about their meanings and how they fit into the words they are a part of.    Tomorrow will be a normal Friday with a spelling Post test and end of week test.  If for some reason the blizzard changes that it will all happen on Monday.

Math -  We have learned 2 strategies so far for double-digit multiplication.  We have learned using Area box  and partial product.  These are my favorite strategies to use.  I am a visual person so the Area box strategy is very helpful to me.  I also like partial product because it gives the students a better understanding of exactly what they are doing.  When I teach them the standard algorithm it tends to confuse them.  The other strategies are much easier for them.  I have taught the Partial Product strategy for most of my years teaching.  I have showed many adults how to do this strategy also.  They like it once they see it.  We finished the week with a Mid-Chapter Checkpoint.  I plan on starting a new lesson tomorrow weather depending.

Social Studies -  Tomorrow the students have their 2nd Map Test over the Northeast Region.  They will need to be able to label a map of the Northeast with the state and its capital.  They have taken this test once.  This will be the last time they take it.  They were given a study guide today.  This study guide is due on Monday.  They worked in partners and did a good job.  They may have a little bit to finish.  We will be taking a test next week over chapter 5.  After that we will move on to the Southeast Region.  That means new states to enter into our interactive notebooks and new set of states to practice for map tests.  If we do not have school tomorrow the map test will be on Monday AND the study guide still must be done on Monday.

Thank You -  I would like to say thank you for all the wonderful gifts that were given to me for Christmas.  I sent notes with the kids for thank you's but I am not sure they made it home to you.  I appreciate all the things we purchased for the classroom!  I also really appreciate those personal gifts.  It was very thoughtful of all of you.

Catholic Schools week is coming up starting January 31st.  More details will come later about what is happening that week to celebrate Catholic Schools.

Auction Basket - Yes!  The Auction will be taking place this year.  It will be very different. It will be online.  We will be doing baskets!  The 4th and 5th grade are joining together to do a basket.  Ms. Surma and I have decided to do a Pampered Chef basket.  We will either focus on pizza making or a baking basket.  It will depend on our donations we receive.  The value of the basket is not to exceed $300.  We are just asking for monetary donations and we will take care of purchasing the items and putting the basket together.  We need the donations by February 5th so we can get the items ordered and to us in time for the auction.     We will also need to do a silent auction item.  If anyone is interesting in working on that  with me please let me know.  I feel like we are running out of ideas for this one.  They all need to be more personal and include the kids in them.  I like to have others to help put this together.  Again just let me know if you are interested.

Well, be sure to watch the weather and the news.  If Creston Schools cancel that will include St. Malachy.  There will not be a separate notification for St. Malachy.  I did not think this would amount to much but now I am hearing the wind in our area will be the worst and we are looking at 6 + inches.  Crazy weather.  Everyone stay safe!!!

God Bless,

Mrs. Sickels