Dear Parents,
WOW!! The cold is here!! Too cold, as a matter of fact. I hope we get some warmth back in there a little or it will be a long winter. Thank you for being patient and rescheduling conferences so I could go to the football game. I appreciate it and I know my kids did too. I am finally finished with all of them. Thank you for meeting with me, I enjoy talking with all of you. Thank you for sharing your children with me. I do enjoy them every day.
Language Arts - This week we have started back in the book with a story called Hurricanes. It is a nonfiction piece on how hurricanes form and where. Also where they hit. Our spelling list was on compound words and we are talking about homophones in grammar. The homophones are the most frequently confused: to, too, two, there, their, they're, its and it's. We also touched on hear, here, read, and red. We also worked on decoding compound words. The end of week assessment is tomorrow. Please remember to study the vocabulary. Next week is a very short week so we will not read a story in the book. I plan to do another fluency evaluation and for the students to do a writing project. This also means no spelling words next week.
Math - We are finishing up chapter 2. They were assigned the review today. We will check it tomorrow. The actual test will be on Monday. We will correct it on Tuesday. I don't plan on starting chapter 3 until the Monday after Thanksgiving. Please, talk to them about trying their hardest. They also took a timed test today over multiplication facts. I am seeing improvements. Yay!! Keep working!!
Social Studies - Your child was given their due dates today for the first projects. They were excited. I will get the poster boards and cake tracers out to them next week. They may begin work on them. We are visiting the Northeast region, talking about NIagra Falls, the Appalachain Mountains, and the different mountain ranges that are in there, also the different coastlines. Maine has a very rocky coastline where in New Jersey it is sandy with great beaches. We also talked about the Appalachain Trail. It is a trail that covers 2,160 miles on top of the Appalachain Mountains. It goes through 14 states, starting in Maine all the way through Georgia. I think that is very interesting. I will be anxious to see the first projects in December!!
Book Orders - I sent home two book orders today for November, I just decided that I am gong to also send 2 for December home tomorrow. Please look at all four. You can order out of any of them. I would like them due back on Dec. 5th so that I can get them sent off and back by Christmas. If you would like to get your child gift secretly we can do that. Just email me, send me a note, stop order off to Sarah in office, I will do whatever to make it happen. I can email you when they get here and work something out to make sure it stays a secret!! I love secrets!!!
Please read the school letter on the website as well. We will be having a celebration on December 1st for Nate and T.J. Frey and it talks about the events that will be happening that day.
Have a great weeknd!!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Dear Parents,
Happy Thursday!! I want to say the end of the year is coming!! Once we hit October, I feel like it all flies by. First we have conferences, which about 3 of you need to check out and sign up, then it is Thanksgiving, next we hit Advent and Christmas. It all seems to run together and be over before I know it. We will still work hard through all these exciting times. I look forward to all the breaks with my family. So far so good with the weather, but we all know winter is coming. Again. please be sure your child is coming to school prepared for the day. Sweatshirts at recess are not enough, especially if they are wearing the coat in the classroom too. They need to bring a coat, to put on over the sweatshirt. Also, dig out those hats and mittens and get them ready!!
Language Arts - This week we are ready a Biography about Jose Limon. The story is called Jose, Born to Dance. It tells of his life growing up and how he became a dancer later in life. Everyone thought he would be an artist because he loved to draw and paint. He spent his young life focusing on that. In grammar we have discussed subject and object pronouns. Ask your students about learning the pronouns. We also learned what an antecedent is. That is what the pronoun actually stands for. We also read poetry on dance. This is the last story in Unit 2, so we will be taking a unit test next week. There will not be a regular spelling test or reading stories. We will focus on testing, sharing book reports and I will assign the next book report, if I have time. Conferences throw a wrench into the schedule, so I will get done as much as I can, the test being the priority.
Math - We learned the standard algorithm for multiplication today. This is the strategy that you all know and love. Personally it is no longer my favorite. It doesn't show the true understanding of what you are doing when you multiply. It is easier and quicker but that is not my goal as a teacher for your child. Yes, I want to teach them the things that make it easier for them, but I want them to understand the reasoning behind it. I also want them to have several options to get an answer. Deeper understanding of math is my goal. It will only help them when learning algebra and higher level courses in High School. I am very pleased with all of them and how well they are picking up on it all. We will keep up the hard work. After this chapter we will focus on double-digit multiplication. I will begin working with basic facts here at school. Please, spend a few minutes at home practicing. There are apps for ipods out there to help them get their facts.
Social Studies - We just finished chapter 3 today. Tomorrow we will correct tests. Next week we will begin studying our first Region of the United States. Which also means "PROJECTS"!! I will go over each project available with your student and then hand you the packets at conferences and share with you. I am so excited!! This is my favorite part of social studies. We will also start learning a song about the states and capitals. This will help them memorize all the states and their capitals. We will also be sure to master the location of the states within the region. They will only learn a region at a time. I feel this makes more sense to master one region at a time. By the end of the year they will be able to do all 50 states and name their capitals. Woohoo!! That is also exciting.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Go cheer on the Panthers Friday night in Dallas Center-Grimes!!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
Happy Thursday!! I want to say the end of the year is coming!! Once we hit October, I feel like it all flies by. First we have conferences, which about 3 of you need to check out and sign up, then it is Thanksgiving, next we hit Advent and Christmas. It all seems to run together and be over before I know it. We will still work hard through all these exciting times. I look forward to all the breaks with my family. So far so good with the weather, but we all know winter is coming. Again. please be sure your child is coming to school prepared for the day. Sweatshirts at recess are not enough, especially if they are wearing the coat in the classroom too. They need to bring a coat, to put on over the sweatshirt. Also, dig out those hats and mittens and get them ready!!
Language Arts - This week we are ready a Biography about Jose Limon. The story is called Jose, Born to Dance. It tells of his life growing up and how he became a dancer later in life. Everyone thought he would be an artist because he loved to draw and paint. He spent his young life focusing on that. In grammar we have discussed subject and object pronouns. Ask your students about learning the pronouns. We also learned what an antecedent is. That is what the pronoun actually stands for. We also read poetry on dance. This is the last story in Unit 2, so we will be taking a unit test next week. There will not be a regular spelling test or reading stories. We will focus on testing, sharing book reports and I will assign the next book report, if I have time. Conferences throw a wrench into the schedule, so I will get done as much as I can, the test being the priority.
Math - We learned the standard algorithm for multiplication today. This is the strategy that you all know and love. Personally it is no longer my favorite. It doesn't show the true understanding of what you are doing when you multiply. It is easier and quicker but that is not my goal as a teacher for your child. Yes, I want to teach them the things that make it easier for them, but I want them to understand the reasoning behind it. I also want them to have several options to get an answer. Deeper understanding of math is my goal. It will only help them when learning algebra and higher level courses in High School. I am very pleased with all of them and how well they are picking up on it all. We will keep up the hard work. After this chapter we will focus on double-digit multiplication. I will begin working with basic facts here at school. Please, spend a few minutes at home practicing. There are apps for ipods out there to help them get their facts.
Social Studies - We just finished chapter 3 today. Tomorrow we will correct tests. Next week we will begin studying our first Region of the United States. Which also means "PROJECTS"!! I will go over each project available with your student and then hand you the packets at conferences and share with you. I am so excited!! This is my favorite part of social studies. We will also start learning a song about the states and capitals. This will help them memorize all the states and their capitals. We will also be sure to master the location of the states within the region. They will only learn a region at a time. I feel this makes more sense to master one region at a time. By the end of the year they will be able to do all 50 states and name their capitals. Woohoo!! That is also exciting.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Go cheer on the Panthers Friday night in Dallas Center-Grimes!!
God Bless,
Mrs. Sickels
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